Double Dating

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In was a quiet Saturday night, the girls had convinced their boyfriends to go on a double date, Evie pleaded Jay while Mal used her sad puppy dog eyes on Ben. They were now sitting in a booth, with a hand sewed tablecloth with beautiful patterns, the table was glossed over and the lighting gave the booth a romantic feel, with one couple sitting on each side. They began talking about random topics but most of the conversations rounded back to Ben's kingly duties.

Ben was wearing his Royal King suit with his lace-up brown suit shoes, silver Rolex and a brown lace-up bracelet from one of the kingdoms he had visited a couple months ago. Jay was wearing his red leather jacket with black sleeves and his black lace-up boots with a selection of different Fred Bennet Leather Beaded Bracelets. Evie was wearing a tight dark blue lace dress with high heels and her red pendant she had received from her mother, her hair was curled up and pulled back at the sides. Her nails were painted with a holo blue nail polish and a crown looking ring around her middle finger. Mal was wearing a purple skater dress with black converse and her dragon pendant necklace. Her short nails were painted in a deep purple colour with a few Pandora rings on a few of her fingers. Her makeup consisted with a light pink blush and a deep purple lip-gloss.

When the Waiter came over, Jay ordered a Lemonade with a Mince Beef Lasagne, Evie had ordered a glass of Water with her Chicken Caesar Salad. Ben ordered the same as Evie but brought a Coca-Cola instead. Mal went with the simple option, Tomato Soup with a diet Coca-Cola. As they began to eat their food, Evie started to make conversation "Well this has to be a big step up from having dates in front of your parents right Ben?" Mal bowed her head to try to hide her smirk while Ben sat in his spot staring at Evie, trying to think of an answer." Yeah, I feel like we talk about a lot more plus I know it's awkward for Mal as well. I know my parents mean well but it's nice to be in another environment and be ourselves you know?" Jay nodded his head in response, Mal looked towards Jay "So, we agreed to set up this double date to get away from Ben's parents, what about you?" she asked between slurping her soup. Jay finished his Lemonade and turned towards Evie, clearly having no answer he just shrugged which caused a slight chuckle to come from Ben's lips. Ben gripped Mal's free hand under the table and watched her finish her soup, Evie cleared the last of her salad. Ben and Jay finished during Ben's response to Evie's question. All four Auradonians were laughing and smiling at each other's comments. "So Evie I heard that you made the Science team? That's pretty cool!" Ben gleamed towards her. "Yeah, thanks, Ben. I'm excited but I wouldn't have done it if Jay here didn't encourage me to" she held Jay's rough hands in her small gentle ones, Jay smiled back at her thinking about how lucky he was. Mal and Ben would sneak in a few kisses here and there and Jay would get the odd one-off Evie. Soon they had to be back for Curfew at Auradon Prep, so Ben called the Waiter over and paid the 'small' check, as they exited the restaurant they moved into the limousine that was waiting for them. The two couples held hands all the way back to Auradon Prep which caused Mal to blush a bit but not enough for the boys to notice, just Evie.


They were now stood outside of the Girls dorm room, the boys wanted to make sure that they get back to their room safely. Evie gave jay a quick peck on the lips and they told each other goodnight as Evie drew the door to close but not fully. Mal turned to Ben and he leant down to her ear "Tonight was fun but I would have loved it more if it was just you and me and a perfect candlelit dinner under the stars, what do you think?" a smile pierced both their lips "Sweet dreams, don't dream of me too much" and with that they shared a sweet passionate kiss, one they have been waiting to share for hours. All their emotions were poured into their long kiss, but sadly they stopped due to this thing called breathing. Mal's smile grew and placed one last kiss on his lips before telling Ben that she loved him. Ben Bid her a goodbye and she slid into her room to find Evie already in bed, asleep. Mal thought to herself for a minute 'He could be the one' she undressed and put on something looser. She slithered into bed and rested her head on her pillow and fell into a dreamful sleep.

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