Smoked Iron

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It was a rather joyous Saturday night. The core 4 were invited to Castle Beast for a small buffet. Adam was sat at the top head of the table and Belle sat at the bottom head of the table. Ben sat in the middle of the dining table, on the side that was closer to the kitchen doors. Mal was sat opposite him so she was further from the kitchen doors. Jay and Carlos had taken Ben's side of the table with Evie and Jane were sitting on Mal's side.

Everything was going well, there were drinks being poured left, right and centre. In the middle of the table, there was quite a huge turkey with potatoes and vegetables. There were cakes and chocolates and fruit covering the table as well. The chocolate had come from the best chocolate makers on the west side of Auradon, the fruit had come from Charmington while the cakes had come from the House of Beauty. The core 4 couldn't get enough, it was more food than they had ever seen in their entire lives and Belle said that this was only an extremely small buffet. The core 4 piled their plates high, everyone took a bit of everything while Belle, Adam, and Ben watched in amusement and pity. While Jay and Carlos decided to eat everything, they had at once, Mal and Evie took it slow and saved their cakes for last.

"So Mal, Ben tells me that you're an amazing artist" Adam stated, Mal shot Ben a death glare that meant we will talk about this later and all Ben could do was chuckle. Mal shot her head around to Adam "Yes sir, I love painting, I suffer from Anxiety so Painting helps me keep my Anxiety down but I get most of my inspiration from books" Mal quickened her eating pace to catch up to the boys "Books?" Belle spoke with a glint of hope in her voice "yes I read in all my spare time" Mal replied. Belle, Ben, and Adam all shared a knowing look. "Carlos, Jay how's Tourney?" Ben asked They just nodded their heads as they were too deep into their food. Everyone burst out laughing as Carlos and Jay emerged from behind their huge plates with Chocolate covering their mouths and a few spots on their foreheads, God knows how they got there.

That's how the rest of the night went on, laughing and small talk. Although it was something as simple as a buffet, it got the VK's to be more open about themselves. The night was slowly ending and the boys had eaten most of the food. Most of the night was spent with Mal and Ben staring at each other in a lover's gaze but that is nothing new. All that was left was a few cakes and the one Mal and Evie were saving. Lumiere and Cogsworth cleared the table and only the cakes that the House of Beauty brought were left.

Everyone was a little tipsy and full to the brim with food but they always had room for cake. Mrs Potts came out and brought everyone a small plate to rest their cakes on. Ben had two cakes, Mal had one, Jay and Carlos had four, Evie had one and Belle and Adam had one. Mal waited for everyone to have a bite of their cakes before she would, just in case everyone got ill and she didn't want to be ill. Every shared a groan of pleasure. They were small chocolate cakes with buttercream icing and silver sprinkles. "Mrs Potts, what type of cakes are these?" Belle asked as she took another bite. Mal took a small bite while she explained "Well they are Milk chocolate cakes with Vanilla buttercream icing and for added flavour like all the world's biggest chefs do, smoked edible iron filings" as soon as Mrs Potts finished her explanation Mal swallowed regrettably. At that point, Jay, Carlos, and Evie shouted "WHAT? IRON?" everyone in the room was shaking out of fear. "Y... Yesss why?" "MAL" Evie shouted. Mal knew she had to get the Iron out of her system before it poisoned her. Mal jumped from her chair and leapt over the table, knocking over everything that was there and burst through the kitchen doors and zoomed to the sink. At this point, everyone in the kitchen had turned to stare at Mal while everyone from the dining room was watching in confusion.

Mal forced herself to throw up into the large Kitchen sink, Evie ran to Mal and held her hair back while Jay called for a doctor and Carlos began to usher the chefs out. Mal could feel her knees getting weak but she knew she needed to get all the iron out of her system. Her eyes glowed as her insides started to burn from all the vomit and iron. Jay walked back into the room "Doctor is going to be here in 5, Keep going Mal" Carlos returned after locking the other kitchen door and began to support Mal while Jay was rummaging through the cupboards to find something vile to help Mal throw up.

Descendants BenXMal One ShotsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin