4: It's a Blake Situation

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Chapter Four


"Agh!" I yelped.

This was so disgusting! I swear! If it hadn't been for this stalking thing, I would be at lunch right now, enjoying my applesauce or in the football field checking out some hot jock's butt, but no. I was in the boy's restroom, my butt drenched with toilet water. I only did this to know if he did anything interestingly humiliating in his ten minute restroom break.

I got up from the toilet and I could feel toilet water dripping down my thighs.

"Sick, my butt's wet." I mumbled.

Okay, think. How am I going to get out of here? Hm..

"Hellooo? Who's in here?" Blake pounded at the door, making my heart race.

Shut up, you weirdo. Seriously, who pounds at the door when they know somebody is using the stall?!

I'm getting outta here.

I wonder how many germs are in my body right now. Man! I need to stop listening to Dr. Oz.

I now felt very sticky and wet. Ew.

I quietly crouched my body on the ground in a crawling position and ducked. I crept my hand up to the wall dividing the two stalls and slid myself across. Ew. If they think their real men, they can't even aim correctly for the toilet. There was pee everywhere in the next stall.


I wished Blake would leave.

The next stall was even worst! It was plastered with of course, used toilet paper. I stopped right when I ended up face to face with a wad of brown goo. I tried breathing through my mouth but I ended up getting a taste of it. Ugh!! Get me outta here! this is waaay too much and there was shit in the toilet!

This place reeks.

I hesitantly moved the wad with my elbows. I felt the stickiness stick to my skin and I almost shrieked but held it in. I couldn't risk getting caught in here, specially with Blake. I just know that he would tell the whole school about it.

I could feel myself starting to smell like poop, too.

I kept going and turned right, and right again. They may have a dirty floor but I was proud to admit that they didn't have writing on their wall.

The stalls were lined up in a U -shape and I was now opposite from where I had made my mad escape two minutes ago. After a long, agitating, nerve wrecking mission, I sat up. I'm now propped up on my knees when I heard the bathroom door slam. Maybe he left.

YES! I thought I was going to die in here! I couldn't afford getting caught. That would be way too humiliating.. and weird.

I twisted the lock, still on my knees and slowly pushed open the door.

Thank god he's go- I stopped cold.

I was staring at someones pants. I jerked my head back in confusion at what I was staring at.

Holy Crap.


I was staring at Adam Jay's crotch.

My eyes widened in horror and I looked away in shock and humiliation. My cheeks burned and so did my reputation.

Geez. I really need to be more careful about what I'm looking at or doing. It could really save me from situations like this.

He cleared his throat. Oh shut up.

I looked up at his flawless face and I was pretty sure I looked like a tomato. He had a stupid grin on and at the same time, he also looks amused. I could tell he was blushing a little too. Ha!, you're embarassed? I'm the one who got busted staring at your cr-

"Kat...." He began and I could hear the mock in his voice.

"Uhh.. yes?"

He bent down on his knees so he could look me at eye level.

I blinked. I think I'm going to pee! but I'm not sure I did or didn't since my butt was still wet from that evil toilet!

One thing you should know about Adam.. he's a player. Period. No feelings whatsoever. He's hot too but not as hot as John. He had baby brown eyes that could make any girl melt for him anytime.

His eyes twinkled. "What are you doing down there?"

"I was err.. using the restroom?"

His smile broadened but his eyes deceived him. He laid a hand on my knee and slowly made his way up my thigh while leaning in to get closer to my face and stopped at my butt cheek.

Well this is awkward.

"I see." Oh my gawsh! Did he seriously just? Urgh!

You're annoying.

He propped himself up with his hand and stared at me.

My cheeks burned with humiliation and anger, never a good mixture.

My eyes widened and I slapped his hand off me, something a little kid would do if you tried to touch his cookie. My anger grew to frustration and I quickly got up and started yelling at him.

I continued to bust his eardrums till we were in the middle of the bathroom. He didn't do anything though, did no signs of stopping me from yelling at his beautiful ear. I wanted to stick my pinky in his ear.

I stopped blabbing when I heard the door creek open and I knew someone was about to come in. I needed an excuse, fast!

Oh my gosh, I can't believe I'm about to do this.

I snaked my arm around Adam's neck and he gave me a confused look.

I leaned in and kissed him right in time when Blake walked in.

Blake froze. I could've sworn I heard him say fuck.

Adam slid his hands down my waist and laid both hands on my ass. He squeezed.

Horny Bastard.

His lips were soft and full and our mouth moved in rythm while we made out in front of Blake. He pulled my torso closer to him, pressing my boobs against his hard chest.

"Dayyuum!!" I heard someone holler.

I pulled back from Adam's carres and looked behind me.


There was a group of boys with their phones out, taking pictures and videos of the kiss. Most of them were snickering and some of them looked dazed.

Oh my gosh, what have I done?!

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