1: Ready Set Bet

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Chapter One.

*Kat's POV*

"Primadonna girl, yea"- Bam! I wasn't even aware that I was dancing around the gym like a maniac and singing along to my iPod that I have hooked around my P.E. shorts, until a dodge ball hit me right on the nose with full force. I stumbled backwards and fell into someone's arms. I clutched my nose eagerly. I looked up and halfheartedly scanned the gym for whoever hit me with the stupid rubber ball. Then I saw her.

No, I saw it.

        My eyes stopped in a familiar looking face, simply looking at me with a smug smile on her face.

"Jenny," I grumbled lowly as I got up from the stranger behind me.

 Jenny used to be my best friend back in seventh grade. We stopped being friends when we got to High School and she joined the cheer leading squad. She has changed a lot since then. She was now very intimidating, mean, self-centered and rude. Everything changed about her. Even her Music. She now listened to Rap. Ugh. Not so fetch.

I can't stand rap. It was pain in my ears. Quite hypocritically, my music taste didn't please so many people either. Har har.. I need my daily dose of Bon Jovi.

She changed alot since then and, gosh! I wanted to slap that smug look off her face. I wanted to sue her. I wanted to nurture her. Slap her with a turtle. I wanted to gut her out like a lifeless fish waiting to be fried in that steaming, boiling pot of-

"Are you okay?"

      A deep voice interrupted my thoughts and I jumped up and screeched like a little girl. Literally! You could hear my voice echo throughout the whole gym. I immediately slapped my hand to my chest and whipped around to whoever the jerk was who startled me.

"Not anymore, you.. you.. you.. queer!" Yes. I think I said it more as a question than an insult. I admit, I do have anger issues, but it's not like I can help it! Plus, being my dorky self, I couldn't come up with anything better to say. Then I realized he was the one who caught me and saved me from a very painful smack on the ass.

      His eyebrows shot up and a smile crept into his face. He was staring at me, amazed by my blow-out and dorky insult and I was shooting daggers towards his direction. We stood there like that for about two more seconds until I finaly realized who it was. Blake Andrews. Blake. The name left a bitter sense on my tongue and I had a feeling the outcome of my circumstance wouldn't be the highlight of my High School experience. Blake is one of those guys at school that have ego's the size of their heads.

Aside from his cunning grey eyes, he wasn't really much of a hot shot.

   I've know Blake since fifth grade but we've never really had a memorable encounter. Ever. Until now, unfortunately. I have a feeling I'm not so great with first impressions, no.

I always tend to act weird and insufferable around him so he probably thought I was something close to a lunatic. Which I'm not! I'm completely normal. Sometimes.

 He gently smiled at me, showing his full bright white teeth and annoyingly cute dimples.

"The name's Blake" He inquired.

I steamed. "See if I care!" I didn't know why I was so mad at him but I couldn't seem to calm down.

I turned around again and prepared to walk off but a pair of strong hands grabbed hold of my wrist and spun me around. He snaked his right hand around my waist and the other one casually limped on his side.

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