pLs giVe mE cC

219 1 0

by Ell & Ari
in Rosewood

October 3rd, 2017

this is my essay for my english class and i suCK at essays so if you read this and peer edit it i will worship you like a god thank you bb

im more looking for like if i need to expand on anything or like condeNSE (tbh tho the max word limit is like 3/4 of this but i dont give a frickity frick) but if u have any other suggestions gO AHEAD PLEASE

also i think it needs to sound more fOrMaL and professional so tiPS ON THAT WOULD BE PHENOMENAL TOO

im terrible at essays cri

An archetype is defined as a general motif that can be applied to all stories, no matter how distinctive the values behind the story may be (depending on the culture of origin and time). Myths and archetypes from differing locations and eras are applied to all narratives globally to this very day. Though each archetype in each myth portrays qualities that the country of origin values, there are certain archetypes that are relevant everywhere. This is because the majority of the human race subconsciously prioritizes the same things, underneath each heritage's exclusive beliefs. The archetypes present in King Arthur (including the call to adventure, the mentor, and the star-crossed lovers), have alike characteristics to modern archetypes from all around the world, confirming how patterns within stories can withstand cultural change and the passage of time.

One of the most prominent archetypes in many myths and stories from the past and the present is the hero's transformation, which begins with "the call to adventure." This is the initial incident where the protagonist, prior to their establishment as a hero, is given the choice to embark on a quest, or they discover their destiny to do so. An iconic call to adventure is from the myth King Arthur, when Arthur unknowingly fulfills the prophecy by pulling the sword from the stone. It is when he becomes aware of his true identity and future, and the beginning of what could be seen as a timeline of his reign. This was his invitation to leave his life as a squire behind, and take his place as "the lawfully born king of all of Britain." Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone has an classic call to adventure, as well, which takes form in the continuous stream of letters sent to Harry. Harry receives his first Hogwarts letter before his birthday, but is forbidden by his uncle from reading it, leaving it unanswered due to intervention. When Harry finally reads a letter, he discovers he is a wizard and "the chosen one" destined to defeat Lord Voldemort. The letter invites him to Hogwarts to learn about magic, and grow into the fine young wizard he was prophesized to be. Both of these calls to adventure are prime examples of how even if stories are significantly different, they follow the same patterns.

Another archetype found in stories universally is the mentor. This character serves the role of a teacher to the protagonist, preparing them for their journey and the tasks they will face. Merlin, in the beginning of King Arthur, acts as a mentor for King Arthur. Without Merlin's mentorship, Arthur would never have been a successful king, let alone king at all. He had done what's best for Arthur ever since he was a baby, and had continued to do so throughout his reign. Merlin is undoubtedly Arthur's source of guidance during his rule. An alternative character who takes on a mentor role is Glinda the Good Witch of the North, from The Wizard of Oz. Glinda is the one who welcomes Dorothy to Oz and assists her in starting her journey to defeat the Wicked Witch of the West and return home. When Dorothy falls out of the Kansas-bound hot air balloon, Glinda tells her how to use the ruby slippers to return to Kansas. She withheld this information throughout Dorothy's journey to teach Dorothy a valuable lesson- there's no place like home. She states, "If you can't find your heart's desire in your own backyard, then you never really had it to begin with." Additionally, both Glinda and Merlin possess magical powers (a typical ability of mentors) that help the heroes succeed. Though King Arthur and The Wizard of Oz are set centuries apart and are from dissimilar societies, Merlin and Glinda share an almost identical role in the two stories, demonstrating that the mentor is utilized in an astounding variety of plotlines.

In addition, the two star-crossed lovers are an archetype that appear in a myriad of myths. The star-crossed lovers are two people whose romance dishonours an important collective or greater power. This is exactly the case for Sir Lancelot and Queen Guinevere in King Arthur. Though these two are both nobility, the queen is married to King Arthur and Lancelot is his most trusted knight of the round table. Both are obligated to stay loyal to the king, yet there's an inevitable attraction between the two that betrays their devotion to him. At one point, Lancelot confesses to the queen, "I love you too much to give you up for anyone- even King Arthur." Their love qualifies as treason and adultery, which is what makes their romance star-crossed. Ariel and Eric from Disney's The Little Mermaid are another pair of star-crossed lovers. Contact between merpeople and humans is strictly forbidden, a rule that King Triton (Ariel's father) enforces with austerity. Eric, on the other hand, is pressured to marry a princess, while Ariel is the exact opposite of what a princess embodies. Their love is unconforming and frowned upon by merpeople and humans alike. Despite these factors, Ariel and Eric become infatuated with one another and get married, bringing their worlds closer together. The star-crossed lovers archetype (as well as various others) are the bridges that connect a British myth from the 10th century to a 1990s Disney film.

Different cultures have different values, and the myths written, as well as the archetypes within them, reflect their morals. However, humans are part of a collective that unknowingly has similar morals and values, and these ideas are subtly reflected in the stories we tell (demonstrated by the repetition of archetypes). The epitome of a hero is nearly the same for every worldview. Consequently, underlying the specific conflicts, characters, and other aspects of a story, there is a general pattern that all literature possesses. Myths can be compared and contrasted but in the end, are inherently similar and therefore, universal.

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