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Blake woke the next morning with Gwen draped over his chest her head resting on his heart. His arm was wrapped around her waist. He looked at the clock realizing it was ten in the morning. He almost jumped up out of bed but he pause when he remembered Gwen on his chest. He didn't want to wake her just yet as she was still sound asleep. He can't remember the last time he slept till ten. With everything that had gone down with his ex wife he hadn't slept through the night in months. His heart rate must have changed with his momentary freak out of the time as Gwen stirs.

"Blake what time is it?"

"It's ten sunshine. Good morning." He says as he feels her nestle deeper into his chest.

"I actually slept all night. That's a first."

"Yeah me to. I can't remember the last time I slept all night."

"Me either. To many nights were spent crying or dealing with crying babies on my own." Blake felt her shudder at the memories of her life over the last nine years.

Not all nine years had been the hell she now remembers. It had been good for a period of time, however laying here with Blake and the feeling she has, she doesn't think that relationship was ever completely two sided. She could feel the Love emanating from Blake. She never felt that from her ex. Why did life have to be so unfair to make her wait this long to find him. What she wouldn't give to have found Blake first and had kids with him instead. She pulls herself away from that thought. It's just a rabbit hole she shouldn't go down.

"Gwen I can literally feel you thinking. What's going on in that beautiful head of yours?"

"Blake what if I had met you first instead of him? What if I had had kids with you instead of him? It just seems so unfair that God had to wait until now for us to connect."

"I know sunshine I have thought that many times she we started connecting. I have to think there're is a reason God worked our lives out this way. I mean let's be honest Gwen I can't believe you are interested in me now, would you have been interested in me back then? The queen of Ska falling for the lowly cowboy?"

"Blake you have to stop doing that. You are a great man and any woman in their right mind would just at the chance to be with you. Why don't you see what I see?"

"I ask myself that same question about you Gwen every time you tell me your to complicated for me to have to put up with. Or every time you tell me you look homely or fat when you put on an outfit that I think makes you look like a goddess."

"Guess we both need to start seeing ourselves through each other's eyes."

"Yeah I guess we do sunshine."



"I love you."

"I love you too Gwen, so much." Their lips meet as the last words leave his mouth.

It's not a wild cant get enough of each other type of kiss. It's a kiss that is filled with nothing but love. True real love. Neither Gwen nor Blake either thought they would end up here and yet here they are more than happy with where their life is. They don't rush out of bed but by 11:30 Blake ushers them out of bed and to Gwen's kitchen to get some breakfast.

"I pick up the boys tonight."

"Yeah. I bet your excited to see them!"

"Yeah I am but.."

"Hey don't do that. I know you aren't ready for that yet. I'll wait to meet them till you tell me you think they are ready. Please don't stress about it."

My heart breaks in Mexico Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu