Ch.38 Lies and Lamborghinis

Start from the beginning

"Just talking?" I ask Viola now and she nods vigorously. She waltzes around until she finds a stray pen and a pieces of paper from one of the many pieces of Old World furniture. She comes over and scribbles a note. When she shows me, it says, 'Casey and I talked about what will happen to me here. He said girls die here'.

When I read the note my eyes widen.

"No, yes, no," I shake my head, "Maybe in the past, but... no, just, no. STRIKE are, are - kind."

Viola rolls her eyes and scribbles another note as she takes a stool opposite me.

'I'm not saying they're not. But maybe you haven't seen all sides of them.'

I whisk the eggs, flour and milk together briskly while I try to think of a way to respond.

"They're kind," I snap, placing down the bowl, I ask her, "What are you really doing here? Who threw you off from that building? Remember, Dale saved your life."

"I can hear you!" Casey calls out from his couch, "Don't ask her such personal questions."

"Hey, listen here," I go red in the face as I pick up the bowl again and whisk even faster, "You little shit, you listen to me because I'm an Ultima and I have more life experience than you. I'm not being rude to Viola, I'm having a conversation."

"Just don't be so rude to her!" Casey snaps out at me and Viola smirks and writes another note for me to see.

'He has the biggest crush on me. No idea why.'

I read her note and can't help but smile and she blushes a bit too.

"I know and I'm sorry if I sounded abrupt, I'm... just curious about what happened and I'm happy to help you and be your friend," I say this quietly so Casey won't overhear and he just glares at me from the couch because he is protective of Viola.

"Look!" Blue calls out while pointing to the screen, "More taxis!"

"They're cars and that's a traffic jam," Casey points to the screen, "Taxi's are yellow. Jeez."

"You talked about school," Raven speaks next, to Casey, "...and they showed one on the screen before... what does... what do, um, what do you learn there?" Raven asks.

"Anything and everything, besides whatever the hell you three were taught," Casey rolls his eyes while attaining the biggest attitude.

"Casey," I snap, "Do you know what a hypocrite is? You're being one right now. I won't be rude to Viola... but you can't be rude to my girls."

"Whatever... mum," Casey murmurs the last word to himself, as if testing it out, and I stop whisking the mixture to gaze at him.

"What did you say?" I ask him.

"Nothing!" Casey blushes a bright red and changes the channel to give himself a reason not to glance at me.

I turn to read Viola's new note, 'He likes you too.'

"I thought so," I wink at her and she shrugs, glancing up at my ready mixture, she licks her lips. She jumps off the stool and rounds the bench to turn on the stove for me. My Brownie Squad are whispering to each other as they watch television and Casey is trying to correct them on details they don't understand yet. Viola finds me a frying pan and she puts it on the flames and steps back while I empty some oil into the base, "Thanks, sweety."

I watch as Viola stands back with a big grin and flits around the bench to sit on her stool again.

Casey looks annoyed she is straying from his side, and I try not to laugh as I pour some pancakes into the rapidly heating pan. 

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