Konan walked over to Tobi, she bent down next to him.

"Here, this is from Sakura." She whispered.

"What does it say?" Tobi whispers back in his real voice, which is deeper,darker even.

"I'm not sure, I didn't read it." Konan said as she was about to get up when he pulled her back down, unnoticed to the men in the kitchen who probably didn't even know they were there.

"What's in the pill bottle?" Tobi asked again in his deep voice. Konan was shocked by what he had said, but tried to hide it as best as she could.

"Were you eavesdropping on me?" Konan asked with anger in her voice.

"Doesn't matter, I know she gave you something, and so does Pein."

"Who else knows?"

"No one...yet."

"What do you mean 'yet'?" Konan asked ready to rip him into pieces.

"If you don't tell me what's in there then I'll just have to slip it out in front of the others." Tobi said with amusement all in his voice.

"You go ahead and tell them, because they wont know either; Besides who do you think they'll believe me, the second in command, or you, a child like annoying man?" Konan said knowing that she got him there.

"It's something to get rid of the baby isn't it." Tobi asked, more like stated. Konan looked at him for a while then got up.

"Stay out of my personal life." She walked off to her shared room with Pein.

"It concerns me as well." Tobi smirked under his mask.

The blue haired woman walked in to see Pein waiting for her, she could tell he was about ready to ask her something, but she cut him off, she was to pissed to have to listen to what he had to say.

"Don't even." She said as she sat down on the bed and got some paper and began folding it. She always did love origami.

"Since your you, I'll let that slide this time." Pein said as he came and sat next to her.

"Tobi told me what the pills were for, but I've known for a while that you were pregnant." He starts. "Why didn't you tell me?" Pein asked.

"Because it's not your problem." Konan said back calmly this time. Pein sighed and let it go.

Dear Tobi,

Please meat me at the training grounds alone at 3:00pm. I have something important to ask you about.

                           yours truly,

                           Sakura Haruno

Tobi read the letter that Sakura had made for him.

'I wounder what could be so important, and why she'd tell me about it, and not Pein.' Tobi thought to himself. 'Well I guess I should start heading there.' He disappeared.

Sakura stood under an oak tree with only her left foot supporting her while the other is on the tree. She was wondering how much longer she'll have to wait. After what seem like forever pasted, when in reality it was like 2 minutes, Tobi showed up. He stood right in front of her about 5 feet away.

"Hey Sakura, what's up?" Tobi said in his goofy voice.

"Do you mind if I just blurt it out?" Sakura seriously asked putting her right foot back on the ground and taking a slight step forward, but not really moving away from the tree.

"Sure." Tobi answered.

"Grate, I just wanted to spar, and I don't know much about your fighting style, so I thought that you'd be the best to spar with. Do you mind?" Sakura lied quit smoothly.

'Really. That's it?' Tobi thought to himself.

"Of course Tobi is always happy to help." He said jumping back a few feet, and getting in a fighting stance.

"Good are you ready?" Sakura asked.

"Yep, whenever you are." Tobi replied.

'This will be to easy, but I guess I'll have to go easy on her just in case.' He thought to him self.

Sakura smiled, then she disappeared.

'What the?' Tobi thought as he tried to find her, but failed, until he felt her chakra above him. He looked up just in time to see Sakura flying at him with her hand glowing blue. He jumped out of the way. He watched in amazement as Sakura hit the ground instead, and the earth under him shook, and the ground near her cracked open.

'I Better not get hit by that.' He told himself.

 Please comment :-) sorry for any misspelled words.

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