Ch. 16-Hollow

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After getting jumped, we remained motionless in the snow for maybe an hour. I just lied there and listened to Rashaa's labored breathing as my own breath hurt me more every second. Even blinking hurt. Eventually, Ra gathered enough strength to find her phone and call Fly.

When Fly showed up, he was cursing and swearing worse than I'd ever heard in my whole time knowing him. He very carefully helped us into his warm car and we sat there in mostly silence.

"What happened?" he asked after he felt we'd had enough time to recoup. "Who the fuck am I gonna kill for this?"

We were both silent. Obviously, we didn't know who it was since we were so busy trying to fight back rather than see faces. But I wasn't sure that I wanted to tell Fly we'd been jumped either. The most disturbing part was that they were wearing BRS colors. At first, I was sure that if I'd get jumped it'd be some Boonville or G Lyfe niggas looking to come up, but they didn't even take anything from us. What had happened was purely just to hurt us, not to get anything valuable.

Ra was as tight-lipped as I was. She had yet to utter a single word about what she knew, and her swollen eyes had stayed glued to somewhere outside. When my eyes followed , I realized she was staring at the spots of blood that the two of us had left in the white snow.

"We got in an argument with each other and started fighting," Ra lied.

"I don't believe that shit," he replied quickly. "Y'all would never hit each other. And not this damn bad neither. What really happened?"

"She made me mad and I hit her," I insisted. "Then she hit me back and we started fighting."

"She said something I didn't like."

"I couldn't control my anger."

"I couldn't either."

Fly looked at both of us dubiously and shook his head as he pulled out a swisher and started to light it. "Y'all ain't telling me the truth," he said, stating the obvious, "but I'mma let y'all tell me when y'all want to. Just understand that if you wanna find the motherfuckers who got jumped y'all, I'm ya man. This shit is getting ridiculous."

Ra shrugged and I did, too. As it stood, I had no idea who'd done it. For a moment, I considered that some BRS members had done it, but that was a crazy thought. We were a family and no one in the family would attack us like that.

"Y'all want a hit?"

"Nah, I'm good on it," I replied, looking over at Ra.

"Lemme hit," she murmured, reaching for it with tired eyes. "It's not like anything else is gonna make these injuries feel any better." She shot me a look, and I busted out laughing, despite my aching ribs.

"Let's go home," I told her. She nodded and Fly cut on the engine.

"What about your car?" Fly asked.

"I'll be back for it in the morning. Right now, I just wanna get outta here."

The drive was short and very quiet. I kept my eyes closed and Fly didn't try to ask us more or make conversation. That made it even easier to relax a little bit while we went home.

Once we pulled up to Ra's house, she unlocked the door and Fly helped us both limp inside.

"I guess I'll see y'all later on tomorrow. Me and Jay are gonna go to brunch at IHOP for V Day."

"Have fun," Ra told him.

"Try not to get jumped," I muttered bitterly.

He shrugged. "Tell me who and you know I got it handled. Have a good night, you two." He sauntered down the steps and I closed the door after him. Now that I could see Ra in good light, I felt even worse for her. Both eyes were swollen, she had a bruise on her cheek, and her pretty lips were busted and bleeding.

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