Night of revelations

Start from the beginning

"Ming Kwan why can't I find my watch?"

"Oh p it wasn't running remember, I had the battery changed for you."

Idiot, why does he remember things like that? I was going to get it done. He opens that drawer and gives me the watch smiling.

Stop looking at the idiot smiling and read dam it! I go back to my books.

Ok whys the idiot being weird? He keeps opening that drawer, hesitates then closes it again. He's done it a few times now. He closes it again and comes sits next to me, he's quite.

"What's bothering you?" I finally ask. "You sick again?" I check his forehead, no he's fine.

He doesn't answer, just looks at me.


"P..I.." he's fidgeting.

"Tell me!" I snap

He takes a deep breath, goes and opens the drawer and comes back with something in his hand.

"Well?" I ask when he just sits there.

He puts it on the table. Shit it's the box. He's looking at me scared; oh for... fine he has a reason.

He moves it slowly towards me. I take a deep breath, grab and open it, freezing in shock. It can't be. Why is this ring here?

We had gone to get a gift for Beams mother's birthday. I had seen this ring and wanted it, limited edition signet ring, made for the 75th anniversary of an expensive brand. The price tag was an eye opener. I didn't have enough and bastards Beam and Pha wouldn't borrow me the money. I went back but it was gone, they couldn't get another. How does ...

"You liked it right p." He says quietly. "I've been waiting to give it to you."

It's hard to breathe; his words are making more sense. I dreamed of you p. I missed you p. shit.

"Your face lit up when you saw it, but P'Pha and P'Beam wouldn't help you." He's carrying on quietly.

He was there? I didn't see him. That was nearly 2 years ago...

"I was scared someone might take it so I bought it for you." My eyes sting.

Open the box p, he understands more than you think, Yo knew.

"P? Are you mad?" He asks when i'm still quite.

Why does he always think I'm mad at him? Dam it. I'm so freaking happy I don't know how to say it.

"P'Kit? wh..." I kiss him. Slow and warm, I run my fingers up, behind his neck, pulling him nearer, this space is suffocating, I want him closer. I'm trying to say the things I can never put into words around him.

"P..." he whispers, when I pull back.

Why can't I ever say it? Why can't I take my own advice? Don't think dam it.

"I love you." there

"P..." he breaths, three words, and he's that happy.

He slams his lips against mine, his kiss is hot, consuming. How does he manage to burn everything around us so easily, with just a kiss?

Wayo POV

"I'm sorry for whatever Pha's going to make you do, Yo." P'New sighs

"How did you know that?"

"Shit he is? It was just a guess, is it really bad? Want me to talk to him?"

"No!" I shout. "Its fine ill handle him." I say more calmly.

P'New's giving me puzzled looks. Well I can't tell him what I had to do this time, but it's not that bad. After my talk with P'New I was really upset seeing him cry, so when I talked to P'Pha, he just kept hugging me and agreed, but reluctantly. He just kept telling me stop being so upset. He wanted to come but they had a late lab. God it's like this in the second year, he'll get busier, and I'll have to deal with that later.

We arrive, the building is big, we find the venue for their party, the building has other clubs and activates going on as well it seems.

There is a couple greeting people, we wait until it's just us, P'New takes a deep breath walks forward 3 steps then turns, starting for the door.

"Oh no you don't! I didn't wear a dress for nothing." I say, turning him around.

The couple see us, the girl looks at P'New, says his name and runs over to hug him, he picks her up. She's crying, he's trying to calm her, the guy comes over as well.

"Glad you came New." He says patting him on the shoulder.

"Thanks for inviting me Ryu." P'New is emotional, I can't blame him.

I get introduced, his sister hugs me. Her name is Peach, she seems nice. Yes I know another Peach.

"Thanks for coming with him; I'm glad he's not alone."

"He isn't p, he has his team and the coach and unfortunately for him my gang as well." I'm trying to reassure her.

She's smiling at me, and seems truly relived. She's walking arm in arm with me while her fiancé is walking in with P'New.

Slowly people seem to be reacting to seeing P'New here and when it looks like someone is coming to say something she runs over to her brother and takes his arm.

"Why the hell..." a guy shorter then p shows up.

"Don't start p, it's my engagement and I want my brother here." P'Peach says.

"You know he..."

"I don't care." She replies.

"Don't stand up for him now, you didn't before."

"I was scared and dad didn't give anyone a chance to think."

"It took you this long to think." He snaps

"No it took me this long to realise I have to stop being ashamed of myself for not helping him then, and have enough courage to call him." She retorted.

"I'm your older brother I'm telling you...."

"He's my brother as well. You do what you want, I want my brother here." She's firm.

"Ryu say something to her." He snaps at her fiancé.

"You know I never argue with her p, anything she wants is fine." I like her fiancé as well.

I decide to go to the little garden area with benches in the corner and let them have their talk. I get offered a drink by a waiter, I take it and sit looking around. Two more people seem to have joined the group, but P'New seems to be ok, he's hugging them as well. Please go well, everyone deserves to have their family around, even though half of them cause trouble. But the good ones are worth it.

I look around when I hear noses behind me; I think someone's behind that bush? Shit they better not be doing anything. Timing and place people!

I choke on my drink when I see P'Bright crawl out, with Rome behind him. There both dressed as girls!!

All the Gods in heaven what have you done?

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