Part 14- I'll Protect You

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Part 14- I'll Protect You

Ambers p.o.v

"Happy Birthday baby" Jay whispered, kissing my cheek and rolling off me panting. This is the seventh time we've done it now and each time it feels just as amazing if not better that the first.

"Thank you!" I smirked, finding his lips in the darkness and moving them in sync with my own. Jay moaned on my lips. His warm breath tempting my lips to move with his again.

"We're going out in the morning, we'll leave about lunch time and then go decorate the house for your party okay?" Jay whispered, his lips on mine again, moving across my cheek, down my neck and across my collar bone.

"Sounds good! Where are we going?" I asked.

"Never you mind!" Jay chuckled, poking me on the end of my nose playfully and I pouted at him, making him laugh.

"Tease!" I mumbled before returning my lips to his as he rolled me on top of him and held me close. I smiled into the kiss.

"Should we get some sleep then birthday girl?" Jay smiled, pulling me off him and holding me above him. I dangled in the air and smiled down at his bright blue eyes, just about making out their shimmering outline in the darkness.

"Do we have to?" I giggled mischievously.

"Yes, can't have you tired on your birthday can we? It's your party tomorrow and we're going to have a rock and roll night and we want you to be on top form!" Jay sniggered, kissing my neck.

"If you say so boss!" I chuckled.

"I do!" Jay whispered, I wanted to protest but my eyes were frowning heavy and I couldn't keep them open for much longer. Instead I gave in and snuggled into Jays arms, my back pressed up against his warm chest, feeling the strong beating of his heart. I smiled to myself.

Molly's p.o.v

I sat cross legged on the end of the bed with a glass of water in my hands as he banged about in the bathroom.

"You can go in and change if you want?" He asked, emerging in a pair of tracksuit bottoms and nothing else.

"No, I don't want to, I'm comfy like this!" I laughed in my jumper and leggings.

"You might get warm..." He said, I shrugged and sighed.

"Look Mol, are you sure you want to be here?" He asked.

"Yeah, yeah I am!" I smiled up at him, meeting his twinkly eyes.

"I'm not so sure... Go on, go across the corridor and knock on his door, make his day? I know it's what you want really, even if you won't admit it" He said cupping my face in his hands, planting a kiss lightly on my forehead and smiling at me. He's right... He's right and I'm wrong.

"Thank you" I whispered, pulling him into a hug as I got up. I waved at him and he blew me a kiss and winked as I shut his bedroom door behind me. I walked across the corridor and gulped nervously before I hammered on his door excitedly

"Mol!" He smiled, pulling me into a hug, as soon as his arms were around me, I definitely knew this was the right choice.

"Can I come in please?" I asked.

"Of course!" He smiled at me.

Ambers p.o.v

"I see that sleeping thing went well!" I laughed, rolling over to see Jay looking at me.

"I know, go to sleep or you'll be tired tomorrow..." Jay said, leaning forward and kissing my forehead.

"I know, I'm just thinking about Nathan, do you reckon I should text him?" I shrugged.

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