Part 9- Confession Time

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Part 9- Confession Time!

Ambers p.o.v

I heard the front door go and sat bolt upright in bed.

"Morrrrnin!" Nathan called up the stairs.


Jays eyes shot open and I launched his clothes at him as he pulled them on with panic spread across his face. Nathan's feet began to bound up the stairs. I pulled my head through my top as there was a knock on my door.

"Come in?" I yawned.

"Morning sleepy heads I hope we both behaved last night?" Nathan chirped.

"Of course we did Bro!" Jay smiled and launched a pillow across the room at Nathan.

"Good good, well Mol's here so get up because I'm making breakfast!" He smiled.

"Okay, I'll get up in a sec" I smiled, he nodded at us both and then closed the door behind him as his feet raced down the steps again.

"What's with him?" Jay sniggered.

"He's happy because he's back in the good books!" I stated.

"Ah... Do you think he's onto us?" Jay frowned.

"Nah, is he heck? He's too busy caught up in his own love life to worry about mine for once... We're fine" I smiled, flicking the covers off and going to stand up.

"Whoa, whoa, you're gonna be sore, let me come and pull you up!" Jay rushed round to the side of the bed and put his arms around my waist to pull me out of bed.

"Ah!" I cringed at the pain.

"That bad?" Jay ask worriedly.

"It's pretty bad yeah!" I groaned as I stood and clutched at my stomach and screwing up my face.

"Sorry about that!" Jay smirked.

"It's not funny!" I sighed, trying to keep a straight face but eventually laughed and began to batter him with a pillow. Jay held my hands down the stairs, I winced at every step.

"You're alright!" He whispered as we got to to the bottom and I took big gasps of air.

"Now to try and walk in there convincingly!" I laughed nervously.

"You'll be alright!" Jay whispered, kissing my cheek and holding the door open for me.

"Morning!" I smiled, walking into the kitchen to see Nathan frying bacon, sausages and tossing some pancakes up and Molly sat with her legs swinging on the kitchen counter in leggings and a hoodie. Her hair was in a messy bun but she looked fresh and happy. She must have slept well last night.

"Hey hey you pair!" Molly smiled and waved at us all.

"What do you guys want on your pancakes?" Nathan grinned up at us.

"Pancakes, you're making pancakes? What's put you in such a good mood?" I sniggered.

"That would be this lovely lady here who accepted my apology in the early hours of the morning!" Nathan chuckled and pointed at Molly.

"Well that's good! I wouldn't have forgiven you... Prick!" Jay teased, me and Molly laughed.

"Oi! Do you want pancakes or not?" Nathan asked, jabbing the whisk towards Jay jokingly.

"Yeah... Sorry boss!" Jay hung his head and we all laughed.

When they were finished, I took my plate of pancakes and waddled into the dining room with my plate as the others followed, trying to walk as normally as possible.

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