Part 1- First Day

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Part 1- First Day

Ambers p.o.v

"Nathan... Hurry the fuck up!" I yelled, hammering on the bathroom door.

"Alright, calm down!" He chuckled from behind the door.

I swear to god my brother spends more time in front of the mirror than I do.

"Oh, about bloody time!" I sighed, as the door finally opened. He saw the look on my face and started to open the door really slowly and grinned at me.

"Sorry what?" Nathan teased.

"Nathan move, it's my first day of college today, I want to look like I've at least tried to get ready this morning!" I yelled, pressing all my weight on the bathroom door.

"Well you only had to ask!" Nathan laughed, stepping out the way so the door flung open and I fell flat on my face.

"Dick!" I grimaced, standing up.

"You love me!" He smiled and wandered across the landing and back to his room. I stood in the mirror and raked a brush through my knotty brown hair. So my brother Nathan was in a band called The Wanted. They're currently on a break though, he's back home after touring America and as much as I love him, he's an absolute pain in the neck. I'm dreading College, I'm known amongst the fans and if any of the crazy ones have come here to College- it's honestly a possibility- then I'm worried about making fake friends.

"Watch where you're going!" Nathan laughed, barging into me and knocking me sideways on the landing.

"Eugh!" I cursed, as I regained my balance and slammed my bedroom door shut behind me. So what to wear? I pulled out my light blue high waisted jeans, tucked in my black top with white daisies on it, pulled on a baggy cream cardigan and stepped into my black patent loafers. Eh, I shrugged in the mirror, I look remotely acceptable.

"Are you ready?" Mum asked, peeping round the door.

"Yeah, yeah, nearly!" I said, flicking the mascara brush onto my eye lashes.

"You look lovely!" Mum smiled.

"Thanks Mum!" I said, trying to disguise my delight, I did feel like I looked quite nice today.

"Your brothers going to run you today!" Mum called, walking off to her room.

"Are you serious?!" I groaned, my mood suddenly changing.

"Yes Amber, now be grateful, I could make you walk!" Nathan laughed in the doorway.

"You're so grim to me!" I laughed shaking my head.

"Yeah, but you wouldn't have it any other way!" Nathan smiled and picked up my college bag.

"Suits you!" I sniggered.

"Carry it yourself then!" He smiled and dumped it back on the floor.

"You're such an arsehole!" I frowned, stropping down the stairs after Nathan and into the hall.

"Don't speak to your brother like that!" Mum said as Nathan stood behind her, he had a straight face but his shoulders were going, he was laughing at me.

"But he is mum!" I sighed, opening the front door.

"I know... But he loves you, now have a good day!" She smiled kissing me on the head.

"I'll try!" I grinned and walked out to Nathan's car.

"Are you excited?" Nathan asked as we drove along.

"A bit" I smiled.

"Nervous?" He asked.

"Very!" I sighed.

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