Part 6- Captain Killjoy

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Part 6- Captain Killjoy

Ambers p.o.v

My eyes flickered open and I stretched. I felt my duvet over me, awh Jay must have carried me to bed like he said he would...Bless him. I wonder if Molly is awake yet, I wonder what time she came to bed at? I rolled over to enquire....

Holy crap...

"Morning, sleep well?" Jay smiled down at me, he was lay in my bed, topless... How?!

"Get out! What if Nathan comes in?" I whisper shouted, raking my hands through my hair and biting my nails at the thought.

"Relax!" Jay chuckled.

"I will not relax... Go!" I hissed, thrusting all of my weight onto him, but it was no use, he just wrapped his strong arms around me and pulled me into him, sniggering.

"Hey, listen, Nathan knows I'm in here, he said I could stay...even before I asked! I was just as surprised to hear it as you are now" Jay beamed.

"He what... When?!" I gasped.

"Last night, when I carried you up to bed as promised..." Jay winked.

"He did... So where is- oh... Is he with Molly in his bed?!" I grinned.

"No, no, I think they stayed downstairs on the couch, Molly was pretty upset in the night, Nathan was gonna leave her when he got tired and come up to bed but he stayed with her while she was upset..." Jay explained.

"And how do you know this?" I asked frowning.

"I went downstairs to make myself a cuppa when I woke up and they were both sound asleep, Nathan woke up when I opened the kitchen door and told me what had happened. I made you some hot chocolate too but it's probably cold now.." Jay sighed, looking at the mug on the bedside table.

"Awh bless you, don't worry about it, did he say what was wrong with her?" I asked worriedly.

"Yeah, she was apparently screaming out for her dad and she said to him that it wasn't the first time it had happened to her either? He sounded pretty anxious about it all when he was telling me if I'm honest..." Jay sighed and shook his head.

"Bless her, I'll go and see how she is.." I mumbled, kicking the covers off.

"No, it took Nathan ages to get her back to sleep so let's leave her to sleep?" Jay said, pulling me back down into his arms.

"Okay, but I don't really think I like that?" I said, snuggling into his chest.

"Like what?" Jay frowned and stroked my hair.

"Like, she's my friend, whys Nathan comforting her, he should have come to wake me up..." I sighed.

"He probably didn't want to disturb you... Plus, you and I both know why he took on the role of the hero! He wanted to impress her and show that he had a caring side..." Jay sniggered.

"Hmmmm... I guess you're right!" I laughed. The conversation stopped there and we just lay in silence, enjoying each other's company. I can't believe Nathan, my overly protective brother, allowed me and his best friend, who's seven and a half years older than me might I add, to share a bed last night. Nothing happened between us but still?!

"Don't you need to text the boys? About your party?" Jay whispered and kissed behind my ear.

"Ooh yes, good point! Little genius!" I laughed as he reached my phone of the bedside table and handed it to me.

To: Tom, Max, Siva

Hi! Long time, no see! How are you? So Nath said I can have a party for my 17th in October when mums away. I was hoping you would like to come and maybe supervise, bouncer it if you like? Let me know? Thanks- Amber xx

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