Part 10- Awkward Introductions...

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Part 10- Awkward Introductions...

*5 weeks later*

Ambers p.o.v

"Hey hey!" I smiled as Molly appeared next to me and I pulled her into a hug.

"Hi! How was your day?" Molly asked, returning the hug.

"Meh, come on, Naths round the corner" I smiled and we started to walk out of the building.

"What's the plan for tonight?" Molly sighed.

"No clue, stay at ours though while it's a 3 day weekend and we're off tomorrow? Then you can stay Friday and then it's my party on Saturday so you'll be staying then too!" I squealed with excitement and linked Molly's arm, walking to the regular spot to meet Nathan. He was there, with Jay sat in the front, I reached out and opened the back door, sliding over so Molly could get in.

"Hey girls!" Nathan called.

"Hi!" We spoke in unison.

"How was your day girls?" Jay asked.

"Yeah, it's was good! Why are we driving this way?" I asked, staring out of the window confused that we weren't heading home.

"We're nipping to Molly's to pick up some clothes, we're taking you out for tea since you're off tomorrow" Nathan smiled through his rear view mirror.

"Aw you guys! Where should we go?" I smiled.

"Actually we've got a table booked at Pizza Express if that's okay?" Jay turned round beaming at us both.

"That's great! Thanks guys!" Molly smiled.

"No worries!" Nathan said as we pulled up on the front of Molly's house.

"What should I wear?" She asked, her hand on the door handle of the car.

"Something smart, dressy?" Jay asked,

"Bring clothes for the whole weekend?" Nathan called.

"Okay", she smiled, opening the door and stepping out before jogging up he driveway.

"Amber go with her, I know what she's like, get her some nice stuff to wear?" Nathan sniggered, I nodded and ran up the gravel to catch up with her. We walked inside and into Molly's room as she flung open her wardrobe.

"How about this?" Molly asked holding up a black vest top and a burgundy skater skirt.

"Yeah, bring that for tonight?" I smiled. She packed in some casual clothes for the day.

"How about this for yours?" Molly smiled holding up a skin tight, floor length black dress with a slit up one leg.

"Oh wow, that's gorgeous!" I smiled.

"I'll go with this then! And I'll bring one more dress for tomorrow night incase we end up doing anything!" She smiled, flicking through the clothes in her wardrobe.

"Ooh this one!" I said, pulling off a cobalt clubbing dress.

"Not too dressy?" She frowned, holding it up to herself.

"Nah! Grab this hat for tonight too!" I smiled, pulling a black bowler hat off the shelf. We found her some heels to wear, packed them into a small rucksack and walked out to the car after locking up the house.

"Ready?" Nathan asked, starting the engine.

"Yup!" Molly nodded, smiling.

"Aw Mol's gonna look gorgeous, you won't recognise her!" I teased as Molly rolled her eyes.

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