Childhood Love-Ryan Riley Chapter 1

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★Ryan Episode 1:

As the daughter of the Tremaine company and the one next in line for their possession. I put all my time into my work to surpass my mother who's at the top for designing.

Unlike my designs, hers speak to the people. With precise handling of the paper and the right colour that will compliment the sequence. I was still a underling, but I was the third best in what I do, my father second.

Working to earn that name wasn't easy, thinking of new and fresh designs that will be on top of the charts. I was require to always think out the box. Just like my mother, I was always easily distracted but that also leads me to new idea.

I was in my office sitting in a bean bag, my leg cross with a enamel in my hand thinking of a design for a dress when I heard a knocking on the door.

"Hu?" I looked up.

(I wonder who it is?)

"Come in!" I shout.

I rest the enamel on the small table side of the bean bag and walk over to my table.

As the door open, I look at the big bouquet of flowers, a face peek from it.

"Anderson?" What's this?" I ask surprise.

Anderson is the secretary of the company.

"Am sorry to bother you Miss. Tremaine but it seems they sent another one again." Anderson said walking in.

He then place it in fount of me.

"Another one?" I ask.

I sigh then look around at the flowers filled room.

It was the sixth times I've receive flowers today and the one in fount of my eyes makes seven.

I sigh again.

"I guess it can't be help." Anderson said then continue, "You're one of the most beautiful ladies, any guy would want to be with you."

I smile.

"Thank you Anderson." I said.

"You're always welcome, I'll be going now." He said.

"You're excused." I said.

He nod then left my office.


My Childhood Love ||Spin-off||Kaniya×Ryan||COMPLETED||حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن