Chapter 23

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  Xavier's P.O.V.

"Xavier come downstairs, time for breakfast." It was a woman's voice she was calling me it seemed so familiar. I ran down the stairs and saw a mirror on the way down. I was a little kid again. My hair was a dark brown and I was wearing some blue denim overalls. Alexa would scream at my fashion choice.

"Pancakes," I said. My voice seemed to echo. My ears started to ring. I grabbed my head in pain.

"Xavier!" The woman dropped the pancakes and grabbed me. She placed her hand on my forehead. It was soft and soothing. Was this a mother's touch? Was this woman my mother?

"I'm fine," I explained. I was still unsure if this woman was my mom. I was scared to let her touch me.

"I'm home." A man walked through the door. It was George. He had blood on his hands, but he tried to hide it.

"Honey welcome back." That woman she just said honey that must mean that they're together. Meaning she's my mother! I looked at her again, this time her appearance seemed to clear up. Her skin was pale with no scars or freckles. It was like a canvas ready to be painted on. Her eyes were a deep emerald green just like mine. Her hair was curly and red it looked like it could catch on fire at any moment.

George started walking towards her and embraced my mother. I flinched at the scene of him touching such a beautiful woman. Though right now he didn't look that bad. His beard was shaved and his hair was cut properly. If he didn't have blood on his hands he would've looked like a normal man.

"What's this all over your hands?" My mom asked pulling out a chair for him.

"Oh, I must've gotten paint on my hands at work," he answered. I almost laughed because my mom actually believed it.

"Well then let's say grace," my mother said. She started to recite a prayer thanking God for the meal and all that. I sadly felt as if I couldn't put my head down. With all the wrong doings I've done I didn't deserve to pray.

After breakfast I ran up to my room. As soon as I got up there. My George and my mom started yelling at eachother.

"The doctor said that his split personalities are getting worse," my mom said in a panicked voice.

"Then let's send him to a mental ward! He's crazy that boy!" Georges voice boomed throughout the house. It hurt my child ears.

"He's our son!" My mom screeched. I could tell that she was now crying.

"I'm getting him and dropping him off there!" George said ignoring mother. I heard his steps stomping on the floor.

"You ca!-" Mom's voice stopped and instead came out a scream. I ran downstairs and found George running out the door. While she layed on the floor blood spilling out of her.

"You coward!" I yelled. Truthfully I don't know who I was yelling at. Maybe me, maybe George. Tears started falling from my eyes. Why did I have to relive this moment?

"X-Xavier," my mom reached her hand up. This time it wasn't as warm. Her skin had started turning a pale green.

"Why did you love somebody like that," I said trying to hold back sobs.

"What do you mean?" She asked trying to smile. How could she still smile in a moment like this?

"He was a murderer! Not a painter!" I spat.

"I know, but he was still the man I loved." I was confused.

"Why?" I cried.

"Because I knew stuff about him that no one else knew," she answered. Her breath started to get shallow then she let out her last breath. The last words she said were about that man!

I thought about what she had said. Alexa immediately popped into my mind. Is that how she felt?

A/N: I know this chapter was a bit shorter,
but I wanted to use it to explain Xavier
a bit more.

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