chapter 13

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Before I realised it I was running. As I ran the branches felt as if they were breaking through my skin. My feet carried me so fast I couldn't even hear if they were following me. "Ugh." I fell having my leg smashing into a giant rock. "I have to get up." I winced. My ankle cracked and a sharp pain shot through it. I can't move. I thought.

"That's karma for selling my brother out." I looked up to see Amber standing there. She had both hands on her hips and a stare that could kill someone. I couldn't make an excuse because she was spot on of what I did. "How could you do that to him?"

"I don't know, I just wasn't thinking. It was in the heat of the moment." My hands balled up into fists and my whole body started to burn. I didn't want it to end up like this!

She smirked. "Heat of the moment. So you just made it so my brother may have to leave us!" She looked like she wanted hit me but she stopped mid swing. "I won't stoop that low." She said under her breath.

"He would've got caught anyway, he's a murderer." I knew I was just saying this to make myself feel better but it worked.

"You don't know anything!" This time she didn't stop. Her hand slid right across my face. I watched as she ran away into the bushes. I held my hand where she hit, there was a burning sensation.

"Why did this have to happen!" I yelled. I dropped to my knees just about to cry. Then I heard someone. They were crying and it wasn't just a little bit you could tell they were sobbing. I started to walk towards the sound. There I found the person I would expect least to cry.

It was Xavier. I wanted to step out and comfort him, but I knew he was probably angry. "I know you're there." He turned around facing where I was. His face was stained with tears and his eyes were all puffy. I know this sounds wrong, but I was about to laugh at how he looked.

"I'm sorry." It's all I could manage to get out of my mouth. I still didn't dare to leave my spot. Frightened that he would do something.

"Why did you do it?" I felt like I was being scolded. I felt so guilty and it wasn't just the type of guilt when you steal money from someone. I ruined this guy's life! Maybe. "I never thought you would go that far." I was about to put my word in but I stopped. He was totally correct. I never ever would have thought of doing this, ever.

"I was mad." That wasn't even a good explanation for what I had done. "Xavier, are you mad at me?" I heard him laugh under his breath, but it wasn't a good laugh that you hear after jokes. Instead it was a laugh that you would hear from horror movie clowns.

"Mad? I'm furious. I'm holding back from hurting you right now." Why doesn't he hurt me? It would put me out of my misery; hopefully.

"I was mad when you tried to kill me!" I knew I was instigating him but at this point I didn't care.

"I would never kill you!" He stood up. Now you couldn't even tell he was crying. He just looked annoyed.

"The first time we met you said all witnesses need to die!" I shot up out of the bushes now face to face with him. What was I even talking about? At that time he stabbed himself for me.

"I barely knew you then and I never did it! Look I still have a mark from then!" He lifted up his shirt. Sure enough there it was. Some of it was scabbed because it wasn't stitched, but the other parts were just a scar. Even though it was all marked up I got flustered.

"P-put your shirt down." He must've remembered I was a girl. Because he looked down then at me and quickly pulled it down. "You know you probably would have went to jail anyway." I now was calmed down a bit. Since the conversation stopped for a bit.

"Why?" Was he dumb or crazy? I couldn't decide between the two.

"You're a murderer!"

"Where is the proof?" He covered his mouth as if he was a little kid that just said a sware word. Why is he denying it? 

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