chapter 12

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I found myself on the trail to Xavier's house. What was I supposed to say? I paced back and forth, contimplating if I should leave or not. I messed up my hair. "Ugh."

"If you keep pacing like that you're going to create a hole." I couldn't face him. I knew it was Xavier. What if he already knew? What would he do? What would I do? "Hey little girl girl I'm talking to you." I spun around.

"Little girl!? I'm the same as you." I realised that I was facing him. I went to turn back around but it was to late I had already seen his face and he had seen mine.

"What's wrong?" I finally noticed that there were tears running down my face. I tried to wipe them away but they were like a never ending waterfall.

"I thought you didn't want to be close to me." I stated. What the heck am I doing?

"It's just common courtesy when you see someone crying also, you were the one that came here." Don't say that I want you to comfort me! My head was screaming things that I would never ever say out loud.

"I didn't know a murderer had common courtesy." Alexa, what are you saying!? I heard heard his footsteps getting farther and farther. I turned as fast as a spinning top. "Where are you going?" He stopped midway a step.

"This way." He also mumbled something else but I couldn't hear. He started to walk off the trail. I ran after him because he never said I couldn't come. Did he? As we walked grass started to tickle my legs and the branches slapped my face. I tried my best to walk in the path he was making but there were to many rocks sticking out of the ground.

"Where are we going?" I said while trying to catch my breath. It felt as if there was a rock in my throat only letting some air through.

"You're sure out of shape aren't you?" He was right. As I was almost dying, he just kept walking as if it was nothing. Maybe it's because he's had to run from the cops. Has he had to run from the cops? Or maybe he was right and I was just out of shape, that was the most logical answer.

"So, you never answered my question. Where are we going?"

"Somewhere. Nowhere. Anywhere." That proves it he is lost and so am I.

"You trying to cover up that you're lost with some deep words." I heard him laugh. My heart fluttered a little bit. It had been a while since I last heard him laugh and I knew if I brought it up he would refuse continually.

We finally stopped at what was probably the most beautiful sight in my life. The sun glimmered on a lake making it look like a crystal. The grass still had dew on it so it looked like sugar had been spread across it. "How did you find this place?" I looked at him. He was staring off somewhere totally lost in thought. His hands were burrowed into his pockets and he was leaning against the rough bark of a tree.

"I was exploring once." He said still looking off somewhere.

"Why did you take me here?" Xavier confused me one moment he didn't want to get close but now he does it seems like. I guess I'm the same though one moment I have him the next my heart is yearning for him.

"Just accept the friendly gesture. Ok?" Now he was looking directly at me. I felt like I couldn't break eye contact or that would be the end. "You know, Amber used to tell me this place looks like a candy land."

"It does!" I said enthusiastically. It reminded me of Willy Wonka's factory. I felt as if I could take a blade of grass and it would taste like a sour candy.

"What if I told you people died here?" I froze.

"A-are you serious?"

"I don't know, I can tell you that I didn't kill anyone here." I sighed in relief, but this place didn't look as beautiful knowing that.

"Xavier!" It was Amber's voice. I saw her as she jumped over the roots and rocks almost slipping but not stopping. She was frantic. She looked as if she was about to have a heart attack.

"What is it?" He asked while staying calm.

"Look at this!" She shoved a sign into his face. I started to read it and my heart stopped. Xavier's name was plastered on the top. His age and location of where he most like can be found was on there. I had only told them his name but they put the other things down to. The scary thing is that all of it was one hundred percent true.

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