chapter 9

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I had tried so many ways to get out. I tried leaving when everyone was sleeping but Xavier would sit beside my door. I tried to escape through the vents like in the movies. Let's just say it didn't work. The only way left was out the window but I was on the top floor. I heard a bell sound. That meant it was breakfast. Even though it wasn't my house I would always run down to get to the table first. I wanted to escape but I couldn't do that on an empty stomach. "Today's mother's Day you know." Everyone stared at me for about three seconds.

"Of course we know that my children probably have a big surprise for me." They both shook their heads. It didn't surprise me this family probably didn't celebrate anything. Except when Xavier kills someone.

"If you want a present I could bring you back someone I murder." He said it so casually as if that was a normal thing to say.

"Do you find it fun killing people?" I said while playing with my food. Does he even realise the heartache people go through? I think not!

"There are some things we just keep to ourselves!" He slammed his utensils down and left the room. What is wrong with him? Oh ya he's a murderer.

"I will excuse myself from the table." I was finally sick of this. Even if I did get hurt I was going to escape. I got to the window and opened it. A cool breeze hit my face. I had almost forgotten how it felt. For the first time in my life I prayed. My feet felt heavy as I lifted them onto the ledge. Then I jumped.

As I jumped I felt instant regret. My feet hit the ground and a sharp pain ran through my ankles. I'm pretty sure I heard a crack, but I didn't care I started running full speed. I needed to get away. When I got far enough away I started screaming. "Help, help me!" A few people heard and came rushing to me. I flopped to the ground as soon as they were in sight. A man lifted me up and a woman started telling him who I was.

"We're at your house young lady." Without thinking I started to scream. I jumped out of the man's arms and knelt on the ground pouring tears.

"You're going to make a river." It was my dad. He wrapped his arms around me. I felt as if his arms were a unbreakable shield. "Thank you for bringing her home." We both walked inside. My mom stood there with the same stern look as always not saying a word. Neither did I though. I went to the living room and turned on the TV. I thought it would be a relaxing thing to do. Instead the first thing I saw on the TV was a close up of Xavier's face. I started to scream again but this time no one could stop me.

"If you're going to scream at least turn off the TV." My mom said. I tried to obey but I couldn't. My hands shook so much I could barely lift them.

"I can't he's going to hurt me!" He knew where my house was. What would happen if he found me.

"Who is going to hurt you?" My dad said calmly.

"I can't, I can't tell you!" Why was I still protecting him. He tried to kill me and he trapped me in his house. What did I find good about that guy?

"It's because they don't even exist, no one would touch you they would be to scared to get a disease." She was still being rude at a time like this! Did she not see the man that carried me here? I tried to cover up the sound of both of them and then said.

"Xavier the murderer on the TV, he's the one who I'm talking about!" Both of my parents blankly stared at me. Then they started laughing.

"Why would you joke at a time like this, Alexa?" My dad said. They didn't believe me. Why didn't they believe me?

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