[Chapter 72]: And so

Start from the beginning


"Katsuki." You glared at him and tapped your foot in an annoyed manner. Eventually he clicked his tongue and reluctantly released Furukawa. The man dropped to the floor and grasped at his tie in an attempt to loosen it.

"I'm glad to see somebody has some sense around here." Furukawa coughed as he made his way to his feet. "Honestly, this is ridiculou-"

Your fist smashed against his cheek with unhindered tenacity, sending his head back against the wall. He writhed in pain, clutching his face tightly.

"Ahh that felt good." You smiled, rolling your shoulder out. Katsuki stood there with his mouth hanging open.

"Fucking shit (y/n), that was hot."

"Oh shut up. You're seriously flirting with me right now of all times?" You chuckled. "Come on lets go. Mitsuki wants to celebrate."

"Wait a fucking second.  There's something I need to-"

"Katsuki it's okay." You reassured. "I heard about the microchip and it's okay." Reaching down, you took hold of his hand and gave it a tight squeeze. "I'm in good hands. Besides, there will never be a reason for you to use it, I promise."

He looked up and locked his gaze in yours, understanding instantly that you were being truthful.

"Yeah, this asswipe's not worth any more of our time anyways." He scoffed. You chuckled lightly before glancing back down at Furukawa who was still holding the side of his face.

"Mr. Furukawa." You started. "I hope we never meet again." You smiled and spoke in a sarcastically bright tone. And then you and Katsuki walked away, not even sparing a glance back.

The suited man watched as you left and didn't utter another word.  He sat there against the wall and groaned before muttering to himself.

"I'm getting a new job..."

- - -

"So you... Knew that I had the console?" Katsuki questioned quietly, fingers still intertwined with yours as you headed towards the entrance.

"Yeah. Aizawa told me before I was taken into custody. He just wanted to reassure me that Takashi and the military no longer had it." You responded, tone relaxed and gentle. Katsuki looked away and pressed his lips together.

"You're not... Mad at me from keeping it a secret?" He was obviously expecting you to feel betrayed and upset with him. But honestly, how could you after everything that had happened?

"No. Because I trust you with my life Katsuki, and I will never doubt you again."

Katsuki felt a huge weight lift off his chest. His lips curled upwards in soft smile as he stopped walking just before the entrance of the courthouse and pulled you against him. It was a long-awaited embrace that you happily returned, nuzzling your nose against his chest gently, his arms tightly locked around you. When you pulled away, he didn't waste a second before leaning forward and pressing his lips against yours tenderly. It was warm.

And you relished that warmth, knowing you would get to feel everyday from now on.


You and Katsuki opened your eyes and jumped back upon the sudden noise.

"OH YESYESYES I GOT IT! WOOHOOOO!" Mitsuki yelled as she waved the camera around. She had silently opened the door and stuck her head and arms through, just enough to snap a picture at the right moment.

"YOU DAMN OLD HAG! WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!" Katsuki yelled, smoke practically coming out of his ears from both anger and embarrassment.


"AHHHHH DON'T SHOW THAT TO ANYONE, I'LL KILL YOU DAMMIIIIIT!" Katsuki practically sprinted out the door after his mother, praying he was fast enough to save his reputation.

You stood there in the silence of the courthouse for a moment, taking in everything that had happened. Out the door, you could hear the laughter of the people you loved. Well, mixed with Katsuki's ranting of course.

It was over.

And now, you could walk out that door and start a whole new life. You could love who you loved, and hate who you hated. You could become the hero you dreamed of being, somebody who wasn't bound by anything. It was like every shackle that had ever confined you snapped and shattered against the floor beneath you. You could walk out that door and live the way you chose to.

And so, you did.

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