[Chapter 31]: Catch her

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"The rules are simple. Incapacitate or immobilize your opponent. Anything deemed lethal is not permitted. You will begin in five seconds." Katsuki watched the screen closely, his fists squeezing tightly in anticipation.


Todoroki had backed across the clearing from you. Your heart raced as your mind rapidly thought of every possible first move he could make. 


He'll probably start with a straight up frontal assault to try and evaluate my abilities. 


He doesn't know anything about my quirk. 


I need to use that to my advantage! 



Here he comes!

Ice splayed from the ground in front of Todoroki, rapidly making its way towards you. You took a single step before realizing there was no way you could dodge it. 

Shit, it's too fast. 

You held your hands out in front of you and braced yourself. 

In that case, I'll just have to absorb it! 

When the ice reached your body, you instantly attempted to break it down. Green light emitted from behind the frozen mass.

"Oi oi! What the hell is that?!" Kaminari shouted.

"I've never seen her use anything like that before!" Kirishima added. Ochaco held her hands against her chest and worried silently.

You clenched your teeth, focusing as hard as you could. Your heart rate quickened, and the energy building within your body became unmanageable. It blew up right in your face, causing your body to be thrown back like a rag-doll into the base of a building. The wind was knocked clear out of you. You collapsed forward onto the ground. Shakily, you pulled up onto your hands and knees.

Todoroki had already made his way over the ice mound. You glanced up, noticing his right arm lifting for another strike. Your nails scratched against the pavement. 

He's not gonna give me a chance to rest. Dammit all!

The cement began to crumble beneath your hands. Your eyes burned into the boy before you. He didn't hesitate. Todoroki launched another icy assault at you. You thought back to Katsuki, and how his fiery passion had burrowed within your soul. 

This isn't over. 

From your knees you swept an arm forward, a wave of raw energy discharging from your hand. 


- - -

"D-Did (y/n) just yell die? T-That sounds a lot like..." Izuku quivered and looked back at Katsuki who had the biggest smile on his face.

Todoroki's eyes widened. Quickly, he launched out of the way using a pillar of ice. When the energy collided with the ice wave, it cut straight through it almost like a blade. The ice crumbled, but the unstable mass of light didn't stop. The blade of energy collided against a building before exploding. You slowly stood and stared. It tilted forward and began crumbling.

I did that.

"(Y/N), GET OUTTA THERE. IT'S DANGEROUS!" Todoroki shouted at you. You snapped out of it, quickly running out of the way.

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