Chapter 23

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Hyunwoo's POV

He sat on a bench nervously, waiting for Kihyun to arrive. He wasn't sure if Kihyun was angry for real or if he was just kidding.

Hyunwoo was supposed to turn up for his shift but he met with a minor car accident on the way to the airport, which subsequently hospitalized him for a week because the doctors wanted to make sure he didn't "bust his skull".

During that period he couldn't use his phone and he couldn't contact Kihyun. He knew about the fatal plane crash and assumed Kihyun would think he was on that flight.

Hyunwoo felt sadness wash over him. Seokwon had been on that flight. He felt sick thinking about it. Seokwon had been so cheerful and so full of life, and now that flame of vitality had gone out.

Rest in Peace, Seokwon. He mumbled a quiet prayer.

He was silently mourning the death of many of his colleagues when a pair of black Converses appeared before him.

Looking up, he found Kihyun standing before him, sipping from a cup of iced coffee. Hyunwoo smiled and stood up, wincing slightly when he put too much weight on his left leg.

"It's good to see you again." Hyunwoo stood up and pulled Kihyun into a tight embrace. Kihyun pushed him away roughly. "Whoa, what's wrong?"

Kihyun shoved him away, hard. "What's wrong, you ask?" Kihyun hissed. "You disappear for half a month and you ask me what's wrong?" Kihyun punched Hyunwoo in the arm.

Hyunwoo grabbed Kihyun's wrist, stopping the mini assault. "I got into a car accident and I was hospitalized for a week. I couldn't contact anyone then. In other words, I was never on that flight."

Kihyun groaned and turned away. "How come I never knew?" Hyunwoo shrugged. "Maybe because I was in the hospital and no one thought of finding me there. I mean, the security down at the hospital is still pretty tight."

Hyunwoo held Kihyun's shoulders gently and turned him around. "But look, I'm all fine." Kihyun's eyes widened in mild rage. "Fine? I'll make sure you end up anything but fine, you little fucker."

He grabbed Hyunwoo by the arm and began dragging him away. "Once you're back at my house, you're going to fucking die." Hyunwoo laughed and peeled Kihyun's fingers off his arm.

"Come here." He gestured for Kihyun to come closer. Kihyun shuffled forward grudgingly. Hyunwoo cleared his throat. "This may be a slightly sensitive question but I had to get it out."

Kihyun listened, a slightly bored look on his face. Hyunwoo struggled to find the right words, and gave up, letting out a cry of despair. "Shit, never mind. Let's go to your house first." Hyunwoo sighed and picked up his bag.

Kihyun blocked his path with an arm. What's he playing at again? When it came Kihyun, Hyunwoo could never predict what was coming next. "I know what you're trying to say."

Hyunwoo raised an eyebrow sceptically. "Oh yeah? What was I going to say?" I know he's smart, but I doubt he's that smart. He flashed a teasing smile at Kihyun.

Kihyun returned the knowing look. "Are you doubting me?" Hyunwoo shook his head. "Of course not." Kihyun scoffed. "I'll prove to you that I can read your mind. Close your eyes."

Hyunwoo was slightly taken aback. Why does he want me to close my eyes? He hesitated for a while before closing his eyes, with an air of doubt still enveloping him.

He could feel Kihyun's warm breath against his ear. "I can read your mind, you know." A chill went down Hyunwoo's spine. What exactly is he trying to do?

He remembered he was in the middle of the airport. I hope Kihyun isn't doing anything embarrassing. He shifted his weight onto his right leg and swallowed. He heard Kihyun chuckling softly.

Before he could even process what was going on, he felt a pair of warm lips against his own.


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