Chapter 16

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This is it.

He stood before the small brick house. He swallowed hard. Holding back the urge to kick the door open, he knocked politely.

The door opened and a woman, whom he recognized instantly sad Hyunwoo's mother, greeted him at the door.

"Who are you?" She asked, a suspicious look in her eyes. Fuck, does she recognize me? "I'm a friend of Hyunwoo's." He replied, hoping she wouldn't doubt him.

That technically isn't a lie.

She scanned him from head to toe. "I've never seen you in any of his photos," Her eyes narrowed, "So out with the truth; who are you?" Kihyun wanted to punch the wall beside him.

Middle-aged women are so fucking sceptical about everything. "I'm a new friend of Hyunwoo's." He tried to smile at her, but it probably ended up looking like a snarl.

She glared at him. "I've seen you before." She continued staring daggers at him as she racked her brains. Kihyun could almost hear the click when she cocked her head to one side with a satisfactory smile on her lips.

"You. You were there at the restaurant when I got injured." She leaned forward, a nasty look on her face. "You were the one who threw the dart."

Fuck, she recognizes me. Kihyun began backing away when she pulled her phone out of her pocket. "I've a good mind to call the police now." She brandished her phone before him.

Kihyun turned and fled. He got into his car, and without fastening his seatbelt, he slammed his foot down on the accelerator and zoomed away.

His heart pounding in his chest, Kihyun wondered how he was ever going to tell Hyunwoo's parents about the news without them trying to call the police.

He called Minkyun and put the call on speaker mode.

"I need you to get me Hyunwoo's home telephone. In 10 minutes."

"Got it."

Kihyun continued speeding down the road, his mind filled with his little memories with Hyunwoo. I spent so little time with him, and the bulk of that time I spent trying to hunt him down.

You're a fucking genius, Kihyun.


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