Chapter 10

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Hyunwoo's POV

When he woke up in the middle of the night, he realized Kihyun wasn't beside him. Where could he have gone? He crawled out of bed and headed downstairs. He walked all the way to the kitchen where Kihyun was pouring himself a glass of milk.

"You couldn't sleep?" Hyunwoo opened the fridge and took out a carton of orange juice. "Who said you could take my orange juice," Kihyun complained from the other end of the kitchen. "You never said I couldn't." Hyunwoo rebutted teasingly.

An empty plastic cup hit him in the nose. "I thought we were friends," Hyunwoo whined, rubbing his nose. "I don't remember ever saying that." Kihyun denied pointedly and began washing his glass.

Hyunwoo picked the cup up and placed it back on the shelf. "You said you liked me." Hyunwoo stood behind Kihyun and began toying with the younger man's hair. "Don't fucking touch my hair." Kihyun snapped but let Hyunwoo play with it all the same.

Hyunwoo was humming a tune to himself when all of a sudden Kihyun headbutted him in the chest. "Uh... what are you doing?" Hyunwoo held his arms awkwardly by his side. "I'm being nice." Kihyun headbutted him again before leaving the kitchen.

He's so weird. It's almost cute.

Hyunwoo trailed after Kihyun, who was mumbling under his breath about how clingy Hyunwoo was.

"Why does he keep following me?"

"I heard that."

"It was meant for you to hear, stupid. Did you think I was talking to myself?"

Hyunwoo laughed and followed Kihyun back to the bedroom. "You know, I really liked your pink hair. Please consider going pink again." Hyunwoo pulled the blanket over his head and began whistling a tune in the darkness.

"You look like an idiot." Kihyun's snide remark came from the other end of the room. "I can't believe I'm actually friends with you." Hyunwoo heard Kihyun grumble. "Hey, it's a mutual thing, okay?" Hyunwoo pulled the blanket off.

Kihyun flopped onto the bed, spreadeagled. "Shove off, I don't have enough space." Kihyun flailed around, hitting Hyunwoo in the crotch. 

"Ow!" Hyunwoo hopped off the bed. "That's better." Kihyun curled up into a little ball and sighed contentedly.

Hyunwoo picked up a feather duster and began tickling Kihyun under the nose. "What the fuck are you doing?" Kihyun sneezed and clambered up. "I'm fighting for my rights to have a space on this bed." Hyunwoo continued tickling Kihyun.

Kihyun grumbled and shifted to one side. "Can't you find a less invasive way to fight for your rights?"

"Says the one who hit me in the balls."

"That was accidental. This isn't."

Hyunwoo put the feather duster back and climbed back onto the bed. "Goodnight, my friend." He whispered as he laid his head on the pillow.

"For the last time, I'm not your friend."

"But you still like me."

"Shut up, I'm trying to sleep."


"Shut up!"


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