Chapter 17

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He had tried calling Hyunwoo's home thrice, but all of the calls ended with a voicemail. He began to wonder if the number Minkyun gave him was even valid.

He threw his phone onto the passenger seat beside him in frustration. "Can't you answer, you fucking whores!" He cursed loudly at no one in particular.

You've a good mind to report me to the police? Well, I've a good mind to punch your face inwards, fucking hag.

He sulked and leaned his head on the headrest. He was tempted to turn back and drive his $900,000 car into the house.

That's just stupid, Kihyun. Don't do something you might potentially regret.

He scoffed. Yeah, it'd be a waste of such a good car. He leaned against the steering wheel and stared at his phone, willing for it to start ringing.

And to his surprise, it did.

Hyunwoo's parents had called back. He took a deep breath before answering the call.

"Who's this?" It was Hyunwoo's mother again. Hyunwoo cursed under his breath. "Look, you can report me to the police after I've said this- "

"So, it's you again."

"Stop interrupting me. I just called to tell you Hyunwoo's plane crashed a few days ago. Now, feel free to report me to the police."

Kihyun hung up before she could reply. I see where Hyunwoo gets his habit of interrupting others from. He rolled his eyes.

Whatever, I'll just go home. Bunch of ungrateful fucks.

He did a U-turn and began his drive home.


HERO [✓]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن