Chapter 15: Mama Bear and Baby Bear....s?

Start from the beginning

"Let's go." I smiled at Rae and we all waltzed out the door. The early summer weather was hot and sticky. We all hopped in Rae's car and cranked up the A/C. Rae turned on the radio, turning it down to a tolerable volume.

"I hope the baby is okay." I said while looking down at my laced together hands. Rae looked over at me as she drove.

"The baby is fine, it's going to be healthy and nothing will go wrong when he or she arrives." She sounded so certain that it actually comforted me a whole lot more than I thought I could be. I chuckled lightly and looked at her as she drove. Her hair was still choppy and short, she had a slight tan and she was the Rae that I've always known. She's the only thing that hasn't changed for me, and that's something I am very thankful for.

"Thanks, Rae, for everything." I spoke sweetly; I could feel my snakebites against my moisturized lips. She grinned ear to ear and glimpsed at me.

"Anything for you, doll." Jen sat in the back seat quietly, tapping and clicking on her cell phone. She hasn't said much at all today. Rae noticed her sitting back there, glued to her phone as well.

"Yo Jen, Who're you texting?" Rae said, making Jen's head snap up. I turned around in my seat so I could see her better.

"Someone..." Jen said quietly. I immediately think it's a boy, it has to be if she's not telling.

"Who is he?" I said with a broad tone and a smirk. She looked at me with lit up eyes.

"His name's Zack." She said with a peppy tone. "-He asked me out yesterday, and we've been texting a ton ever since." Rae and I awed in unison at her. If me and Rae can't have love, then why can't Jen?

"When are you guys going out?" Rae asked with interest. I stared at Jen with a smile plastered on my face.

"Later tonight, we're going bowling." Jen told us the date plan with a jaunty tone. I'm so happy that she's happy. Her being who she really is has led her into a good place.

"That's so good, Jen!" I spoke; excitement was evident in my tone. She smiled lightly and nodded her head.

"I know, but seriously, you guys need to help me out before I go on this date." She said more seriously. Rae and I looked at each other with sly smirks.

"Makeover!" We said at the same time, we sounded like your stereotypical teenage girls. Jen laughed at the two of us, shaking her head.

"We need to find you the perfect outfit and do your makeup." I said with a sure voice.

"Yes, when we're done with you, he will have no choice but to fall in love with you." Rae grinned.

"Thanks guys. I love you both to death." Jen thanked us nicely. Well, it's a Saturday, and tonight me and Rae have absolutely no plans, but Jen does. At least I have something to look forward to tonight.

We made it to the clinic and walked right in, the cool air of the inside of the building chilled us nicely. I checked in with the receptionists and was instructed to sit in the waiting room. Me, Rae and Jen all sat down. My stomach was turning, and not because of the baby, but because how nervous I was. I leaned over the side of my chair and grabbed a magazine, a pregnancy magazine. I skimmed through it, seeing pictures of mothers holding their babies, the father at her side. I thought of Frank, he should be the one sitting here next to me if we were still together.

"Eliese Taylor?" I heard my name being called by a short, round nurse with glasses and a short haircut. A Mickey and Minnie Mouse pattern covered her shirt, a folder was being held in her hand. Me, Jen and Rae stood up, smiling at the nurse. She gave us a kind smile back.

"Are you, Eliese?" She directed towards me. I nodded. She led us down hallways and into a fairly sized room. Jen and Rae sat down on two chairs that were off on the edge of the room. The nurse did her job, weighed me, checked my height, and asked a shit load of questions. She was surprised that my belly was this big for being 4 months as was I. She left the room after she did what she had to do.

"The doctor will be here shortly." She left the room, shutting the door behind her.

Rae, Jen and I chatted until the doctor entered the room, she was slender and tall with long red-brown hair, and her eyes were a chocolate brown. Her jungle red lips curled into a charming smile.

"Hello, I'm Dr. Schultz." She said with a nice smile, her teeth a bright white. "-How're you doing?" To me, that question has many different answers, but I just nodded my head.

"I’m good."

"Good." She set down a folder on the small counter, asking me more questions and reviewing the results the nurse jotted down with my weight, height, heart rate, blood pressure and my lungs. Everything was working just fine, I’ve always been a bit short for my age and my weight was good.

Finally, it was time for the ultrasound. I took a deep breath and lay down on my back like I was instructed to do, riding my shirt up so my bulging belly was exposed. The lights were flicked off, as Dr. Schultz squirted the cold, blue jelly on my stomach, smearing it around with the probe. I stretched my neck so I could see the screen.

"Alrighty,” She spoke calmly, staring at the screen. “–Wow." Dr. Shultz gasped lightly while moving around the probe slowly. I raised my eyebrows, why did she sound so surprised? I instantly felt nervous and antsy.

"Well, Eliese, it looks like you're having twins." The doctor said with thrilled tone and a wide smile. My mouth fell open. I looked over at Jen and Rae; they wore the same expression I did. Rae put her hands to her mouth, getting up off her chair and coming over to my side.

"You're having twins!" She cheered. I laughed with joy. I'm having twins! Jen came to my side as well, putting her hand on my leg, shooting me a large smile.

"Would you like to know the sex of the babies?" I nodded quickly.

"They are both baby boys." She spoke with a sugary voice. Rae and Jen both stood in awe and wonder. Rae had watery eyes as she rested her hand on my forehead as I laid there. I can't believe this. I'm having two baby boys! I am excited beyond belief.

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