We are going back

Start from the beginning

"This will get worse later, tell Ming's father all of it."

"I already showed him a picture before we came last night."

I exchange a look with Ming, there both pissed off enough, were happy to be invisible.

"I have a right mind to destroy that business he's so proud of." Dad, deep breaths!

"I'm married into that family, don't be so hasty."

"I should show him a few lessons he needs to learn."

"Do I look pleased? I have a right mind to call my mother."

Oh shit, I look at Ming, were both panicking. If grandmother comes, heads will literally roll. She could make super girl run for cover.

"Keep that as a last resort, you're going to need it after he finds out who." My father's saying.

I'm getting scared of these two and they have meeting as well? I need to tell Ming that part.

"Yo stop looking at me like that, I may blush." Ming says while I look at his face.

"You idiot, I'm checking. Let's hope they don't need the university moon pictures, you look awful."

"Thanks for that Yo."

"I'm your friend, I have to tell you the truth."

He wants to swear but makes faces at me, our parents are here.

"Ok so, the lips from P'Win, the foreheads from the table, the slaps from your grandfather, where did the bruise on your cheek from?" I ask cataloguing all the injuries.

"Cousin Dem's devil baby."


"The little shit threw his rattle at me. His antique, family heirloom made from lead rattle."

P'News laughing his head off, while angels repeating 'Devil baby' I just pat Ming's shoulder, I know said baby.

We don't want to eat, and decide to just head out as soon as, but aunties got the kitchen staff making food to take with us. I feel bad P'New had to see all this. Ming's mostly quite as well.

"Look a little happy you two. Don't you want to see Pha and Kit soon?"

"But p there getting back tomorrow morning, in time for afternoon lectures they said." Ming's all sad again.

"I sent them both interesting pictures, I think they might get back tonight."

"What pictures p?" We both ask together.

P new has a smirk on his face, he shows us.

To P'Pha: He sent pictures of me in my suit, in the dress, with P'Sing I'm straitening his collar, and me eating that cake.

To P'Kit: He sent Ming in a suit, smiling happily at P'Sing, dancing with his mother, and when Ming came last night hurt.

We both look at them, then at P'New, we don't get it.

"Nicely done New dear." Ming's mother says looking at the pictures. I'm pulling my dad's sleeve, he looked as well, I'm giving him the 'I don't get it' look, he smiles and pats my head.

We leave soon after. Ming's dad got back just as we were leaving, he took Ming to one side and had a word with him. We both hug our parents, Ming's mum hugs P'New and my dad tells him he's welcome anytime.

The drives quite, were all thinking. Growing up isn't easy, saying what you want is harder, I'm glad we both have understanding parents. I wonder what's going to happen with Ming's grandad. I'm worried about Ming, he's quite, he went from not being hit, to hit twice in one day.

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