Just a replacement to you?(Chapter 15)

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"The baby girl...looked a lot like me an-and..th-these pictures were be-before I was a-adopted..." Urana wipes her eyes.

Don't cry! Don't cry! Urana told herself over and over again.

"The girl looked exactly liked me! I didn't ask my parents about it but am I a replacement?! I mean, there's no other explanation for it! I was adopted by them so that they could REPLACE their ACTUAL BLOOD daughter! I don't care about what that means to me but that's wrong to that girl! I-I...I'm just a replacement to them...and I thought we had a great parent-child relationship! I-I...it feels wrong to replace whoever that girl is! They told me it was a family problem but still!" Urana starts to tear up.

But I haven't talked to them about it...Urana adds in her head.

Amy quickly pulls her into a hug. She stokes Urana's hair and holds her tight.

"Oh Urana..." Amy starts, feeling the sobbing rackets of the teen. Urana rests her head on Amy's shoulder.

"You want to talk to Sensei...right?" Amy questions softly, already knowing the answer. A slight nodding from Urana, and Amy gently takes her to Sensei.

Ku smiles for a second, letting Amy know that he is perfectly fine and doesn't have anything pressing to do either, but that smile also meant that he would take the time out of anything to talk to his pupils if they needed him. So there really was no need for her to worry about anything.

Amy simply nods in reply, remembering memories from her childhood. She shakes her head lightly, her red ponytail flowing along with her head motion. Amy then grabs her phone and slumps on the couch.


Urana walks into her home, shutting the door behind her and taking off her shoes. She sets aside her backpack and runs a hand through her heated hair.

Urana goes into her room, surrounded by pictures of her adoptive parents and other family members. She grabs her blue bathrobe and heads to the shower, she steps onto the cold tiles and breathes in deeply. Her uniform already off of her and placed neatly on the counter.

Turning on the water, Urana lets it fall onto her face and smiles. Even before she found out about her magic, water always calmed her, it made her happy and cleared her mind. Smiling to herself, Urana grabs a water drop in her hand, keeping it afloat, and cheers quietly.

"I finally did it!" Urana grins to herself and let the water drop go. She continues to shower, playing around with the water and with her magic.


After a nice shower, Urana steps out with her blue bathrobe. Her black hair flowing down her back and almost straight. Her parents' door is wide open and she turns her gaze to inside their room.

"I miss her..." her mom's voice says, the same picture of the baby girl, on the photo that Urana saw a glimpse of but didn't bother paying attention to.

"I know...but...we've got to move on..." her dad starts, his voice hinting that he clearly hasn't moved on.

Urana's smile fades away, she grasps her bathrobe tightly and bites her lip.

"They look so alike..." her mom's voice sounds faded. "But Urana..."

"Well, they both do have black hair and blue eyes," her dad adds. "Urana isn't really one of us, she's Asian honey, of course she doesn't look exactly like her."

That caused Urana to snap.

"That's why you only adopted me..." she says softly at the doorway. Her parents turn around, wide eyed.

Elements: Rise of The Destruction (Book 1)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon