Calm down Ming, think. I'll talk to Yo and..

"You married young, look how well that turned out. Hold a ceremony while I'm here. Tomorrow." Grandfathers used to getting what he wants.

I'm gonna be sick. This can't be happening, there is no way I'm marrying that girl. I have P'Kit dam it, I want P'Kit.

I look up to see my mother's saying something to my father, who looks at her sharply. He's silent for a few moments before he speaks.

"Ming, if we considered this would you think it appropriate for you?" My father asks me.

He's looking right at me, omg he's asking me. I'm scared but I have to say something. An engagement in our family is serious, we have strict rules. I have to say it; my father's giving me a chance.

"He's a child you don't need to ask him." Grandfathers annoyed.

"Ming." My father repeats patiently.

"No sir. I don't believe this would be a good match. And I....I....have someone I like."

Silence. I look at my father only, even when the murmurs start. My grandfather's snickering about the young and there silly infatuations.

"Is this someone you see yourself having a future with?" My father continues calmly.

"I don't see a future with anyone but them sir." No matter how scared I am, I have to say it.

"Now listen to me boy..." My grandfather's voice is rising.

"That's fine Ming."

"Now see here..."

"Father thing's have changed since I got married."

"He's a child. He needs to be told what to do, he..."

"He's my son. I respect your opinion, always father but my son will have the final word on this."

"Your saying that to me?" My grandfather's voice is booming now.

"Ming, go to your room dear." My mother says coming to my side.

I feel bad about putting them in this position but I had to say it. I had to.

I can hear shouting, not what's being said, but my father's still calmly answering. When it gets quite I decide to go see Yo, god what a mess.

I get called into the living room by my eldest brother as I walk past. Some of the relatives have gone, so has grandfather. Julie and her mother are still here giving me glares, my parents are talking.

"How can you cause this kind of trouble Ming? Grandfathers furious at dad because of you." p'win yells. It's strange, he's never raised his voice to me before.

"Father asked p, I told him the truth."

"Why do you always have to have it your way? Think of the family for once."

"That's not fair p, what did I do?"

"You did engineering instead of business, and now this."

"Father asked me what I wanted to do, I told him. I didn't go against his wishes."

"What you want isn't always the right thing."

"P I didn't do anything to hurt the family. I didn't hurt anyone."

"How could you say no to Julie? Isn't that hurting someone?"

"P everyone knows we don't get along. We fight over the littlest things it's wouldn't work."

"You could try."

"She hates everything I do, I wear, she hates my friends, hates what I'm studying, hates the food I like, we have nothing in common nothing."

"You could change a little, life's about compromising."

"That's not a compromise. That's not how a relationship works."

"When will you grow up Ming and understand? Grandfathers right, you need to learn..."

"Win, that's enough." My father interjects.

"Learn what? Father asked me, I told him the truth." I snap back.

"You made us look bad in front of the entire family." He's shouting now.

"I like someone, no p, I love someone. I don't want to marry anyone else."

"You're a spoiled little brat, who only thinks about what you want."

"Don't insult me because I had the courage to tell father the truth about what I want." I yell back.

I had to get out. I didn't see it coming, he threw a punch, I lost my balance, fell and hit my head on the table side before I hit the floor. He actually hit me, my brother.

There's gasps and movement around me, I get up. My hands are balled into fists, this is my brother, I can't hit him, anyone else I wouldn't even think twice. I can't say the retort that will hurt the most either, his wife is here, it would hurt her more.

He quietly says my name; I turn and head to Yo's.

Shit that hurt's, Yo's applying cream to my lip, P'New's cleaning the cut onmy head, that was bleeding the most, that stupid table. P'Sing's sitting nearby listening as I halting tell them what happened. I'm still in shock.

We are all become quite when Yo's father walks in, my parents behind him. I'm about to stand, but my father's hand on my shoulder stops me.

"I'm sorry for the trouble father, and grandfather..."

"I don't blame you for this Ming, fathers never had me disagree with him before, I think the shock of it made him over react more."

"You asked me sir."

"I've talked with your mother, I will sort things out with father, don't worry."

"Yes sir."

"You didn't raise your hand to your brother, or say what we both know you could have to hurt him. I'm proud of you."

Just hearing my father say that makes me want to cry.

"Ming I agreed to my marriage because I was in love with your mother. So when father made the arrangements I had no reason to disagree. So whatever he's asked in my life, I respected him and never argued."

I listened carefully, my father didn't say these things often, he was quite around me.

"You're my son Ming, I will always listen to your opinion before letting anyone make a decision about your future. I did the same with your siblings, but it's up to you to tell me."

"I have always told you the truth father."

"Another thing I'm proud of you for. And when your both ready, I would like to meet the person you like."

I get up and hug him; I surprised us both with that. But I really wanted to. When they're ready to return home I hesitate.

"I'm going back to university tomorrow father; I don't want to start another fight. I might not be silent next time."

"Let him stay here, come have breakfast with us, and see him off." Yo's dad ads.

I get a pat on my shoulder from my father and a hug and kiss from my mother, before they leave.

God I'm tired. Yo's asking if I want to eat anything, he looks worried. I reassure him best I can, I don't want to eat. I just sleep in his room, let's hope tomorrow is better.

I have a bad feeling grandfathers not done.

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