Is this the end or just the beginning...

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6 October 2017:

Like all good things, those things that start must inevitably end. For those of you who have read the entire Brittany series I applaud you. Not only have you fully supported my writing you have helped me realise my own personal dream of writing about my life journey and my life with the most important guy in my life, Zac. One day, Zac and I will look back on these books and read them to our babies so they will know the real story of how their parents met, fell in love and ultimately ended up creating their own loving family.

I would like to thank each and everyone of you for reading even just one book as it means my writing has not gone unnoticed in Wattpad.

As fate would have it, life for Zac and I has now changed in a positive way. The downside to this? I won't be available to interact on Wattpad anymore. Please be aware that my books will still be available indefinitely. However there are other more pressing personal matters that will now occupy my time so I'm afraid I will no longer be able to write new stories or communicate on a daily basis.

Is this a permanent arrangement? I hope not. I would like to return to my writing again one day but for now my priorities lie with Zac and our budding little family.

I will log in occasionally to respond but please bear in mind that it may take a while for me to respond to your kind comments and messages.

Thank you so much for letting me share my life with you. For those writers out there, keep on writing your amazing stories. Your talents are too good to be kept secret. I won't be able to respond to read requests like I have in the past but I do wish you all the best for the future.

Much love,

Brittany xoxo ❤️

P.S: For those who are wondering, our wedding date has been set for December 2018. The moral of the story? I guess sometimes dreams do come true. 👰🏻


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