So what's the deal with Zac?

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10 August 2017:

For those readers who have read the first book, My Best Frenemy will know that this documents the first time I met Zac.

So who is Zac and is he a real person in my life?

Well short answer is that the character Zac in the Brittany Series is based on my current real life boyfriend.

I named him Zac in my books after the delicious Zac Efron. In case you are wondering, no he doesn't look like Zac Efron but they both do share the same type of blue eyes. Dreamy.

Was it true that I fell for him the moment that I saw him at school that day? Yes! That is 100% true. I mean nobody could have looked into those blue eyes of his and denied any attraction. Zac was and has always been my one true love.

I note that a lot of readers found him a bit creepy in the beginning. Well whilst the story was fiction I did replicate my real feelings and thoughts at the time.

To put it into context, I was a shy 13 year old girl who suddenly met eyes with one of the most ridiculously good looking guys I had ever seen. Life wasn't a rom com movie. The shy girl doesn't automatically get the good looking guy using her wit and charm.

Was I awkward? Did I stumble on my words? Hey yes! Little did I know that time though, that I was meeting my future life partner.

However life isn't all fairy tales and romance. Contrary to the story, we did not fall madly in love at first sight and skip merrily into the sunset.

There were the awkward hi's in the school hallway. The heartbreak at watching from afar as girl after girl threw themselves at him. The wave of panic when he realised I was staring at him from the other side of the classroom.

Yes the love came but it didn't come easily.

First came the friendship. The buddy/buddy mates kind of friendship. The kind where you are seen as just one of the guys.

Then came the awkward first kiss with the statement, "Well we are just friends but it is ok to kiss."

Then slowly and I guess inevitably somehow the lines of friendship and romance gets blurred as jealousy from the attention of other potential rivals rears its ugly head.

And finally the admitting of feelings and public declaration and the vow to love each other forever.

But does love really last forever and was Zac my only boyfriend?

Whilst I can say he was my only love, I cannot say he was my only boyfriend.

Like with most relationships it comes to a point of familiarity where you decide to break up, to explore new relationships and to discover ones self.

So of course came the next stage of a series of not so serious boyfriends which pretty much saw me out for the rest of the school life.

So you're thinking but you are with Zac right now aren't you?

Yes I can confirm that Zac and I are currently in a committed relationship.

Sometime between final year exams and graduation we both came to the realisation that we truly did love each other and that our futures were meant to be lived together.

So we ended our current relationships at the time and resumed our love affair and never looked back.

That was three years ago and I can confirm that life is still sweet. Perhaps not a fairytale but nevertheless a sweet one.

I hope you enjoy reading about Zac in my books. He is a person truly very close to me and I am glad to have shared my story with you.

Till next time.

Brittany xoxo

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