What a disgrace.

"But what gentleman would I be if I didn't wake up sleeping beauty huh?"

Says the person shoving his hand in the cereal box.

Cereal Killer.

"If I remember correctly the prince did NOT splash water on the princess!"

Trust me, I read that book twenty three times I think I would remember what the prince did.

"Oh so you wanted me to kiss you?" He lifts his eyebrows. His blue eyes filled with amusement.



"Wait, No!!!!!"

Please just, punch me in the face.

"All you had to do was ask princess"

I can feel my cheeks turning red under his stare. His eyes burning holes into me.

"That was not what I was going to say." My voice cracks at the end.

"Okay nerd." He grins.

"Says the one in advanced classes also."  His grin is immediately turned into a frown.

I do a little happy dance in my head.

"You're just jealous princess."

Seriously, is he never going to call me by my actual name?

I'm sorry.

I'm allergic to mornings.

My allergic reactions are the need to strangle and murder.

"Jealous of what?"

"That I can maintain these good looks and not fail every single class I take."

"Like the football players?"

"Exactly" he smirks.

"Wait, why do you hate them so much?" I mean, I know that you can dislike people from time to time, but this just looked like true hatred.

"They're just jealous" He pulls out yet another handful of marshmallows and shoves them in his mouth.

Does he assume that anyone that is not him is just jealous of him?

"Of what?"

"Ouch, you just love hurting my feelings huh?" I give him a confused look.

He then points at himself.

"They're just upset I can get girls without having to fu... flirt with each and everyone one of them." He changed what he was going to say last minute.

But it was too late.

I cringe at the horrible images that start to form in my head.

Bad Julie, bad!!

But now that I think of it, Gianna did mention that he never had a girlfriend before.

Does that mean that he doesn't want one, or that he just didn't find the right person yet?

"So what are we doing today." He says and jumps up onto the counter top.

Hold on...

"We?" I ask.

"Yeah, as in plural, more than one person." Smart Apple.

"Don't you have like friends to go to or something?"

Doesn't he have like his bad boy squad to go to or something?

And did I seriously say squad?

"Wow I guess you really don't want to hangout with me." He wipes his eyes pretending like he is crying.

His Nerd Next DoorWhere stories live. Discover now