Troubles in Paradise

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I Bea's POV

Had anyone saw us in Italy they would never believe that now, six weeks after me and Grant would've broken up, Camila and my brother would be fighting like crazy and Lili would be avoiding me, Cami and Cole. Things were unbearable...

For me and Grant New York was lethal, as I'd expect. I had my reasons to run away from that place. We broke up as soon as we came back after a whole weekend arguing there. His mom still texts me everyday, she is a sweetie, but I don't think I'll ever be able to call her my mother-in-law as I believed I would three weeks back while in Virginia. I'm skipping social media for a while, I mean, I just gushed about Grant on national television, TWICE, on Ellen and on Corden and now that we're over I feel like a joke.

Camila have been staying with me. She and my brother argue everyday. As much as he respects and understands her work he doesn't feel comfortable with the fact that she has kissing and sex scenes with a guy that is clearly into her, but he would never argue with her about her job, he knows better, but the frustration feeling is there and it manifests into the silliest arguments you'll ever see, like taking longer to answer, an Instagram caption...

Lili's been avoiding us. After all the warns I gave her she slept with Lou, and that was after Cole had told her he liked her. She ruined the best thing that might have ever happened to her, she ruined our friendship because she took it personal the fact that I didn't want her with my brother, Camila knowing how much of a prick Lou was and how Lili hurted Cole, and of course being my best friend she sided against Lil's who came back at her saying she did the same to KJ which wasn't remotely true as Cami and KJ hadn't had anything. The set was now divided. Melton, Lili and KJ and Cami, Cole, Casey and Madeleine... it was vile, ridiculous and the environment was complete shit.

If the whole thing wasn't too messed up enough CW invited us for a little talk. We had to spend the whole morning in a office with some of the bosses, our managers and even a psychologist... shit was real fucked up.

Anyways, my anxiety level was on the roof and so were my hormones. Only thinking about made me sick. I threw up, which is been a habit of mine this week.

"You're not bulimic are you? Cause we sure don't need more shit in our lives..." Cami asked and I shook my head "is this what?! 4th time this week. I mean if anyone had saw our lives six weeks ag-" she pauses and look at me

"B, why are you throwing up?" She asks

"I don't know Cami, I'm not a doctor but if I had to guess I'd say it's the stress. I promise you if I knew I'd make it stop." She was staring at me eyes wide open

"It's been six weeks from Italy..."

"I do know that! You just said so... I myself thought about that a while ago. How can everything change in six weeks..."

"Oh B, a lot can change in six weeks. For example, that's the time it takes for morning sickness to start..."

"That's an odd comment" I say and chuckle

"Fuck B! How more upfront do I have to be?! I intake, in Florence, you know, everything happened fast, suddenly... Uhm. I guess what I'm trying to as is... did you and Grant used a condom?"

"What are you - FUCK! You don't think?! No Cami, it can't be..."

"You sure?"

"Oh my god! But we broke up. I thought we would get back but I'm not sure, it's been a week and... we need to go to set!" I say


"No, Cami! Let's just go..."

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