The following day(s)

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"I swear to you! Out of the blue he just... I don't even know. He said he had something to do and asked if we could do it some other time.... ugh!!" Bea told her friends at the Riverdale set. She was hanging out there as she would have a late morning on her own set.

"Wait. He was so into you. I'm sure!" Cole said

"Yeah! There must be something you missed" it was KJ this time

"Why does it have to be my fault I'm telling you that we were in the car, talking, it was awkward but I thought it was a cute awkward you know, like we have a crush on each other and we're alone kind of thing. Then I answered the phone, it was tom, we talked and then hung up. He asked me what was the call about, he already seemed weird then, I answered and then I asked him if he was ok and that's what he said... Is it clear now, that must be the 5th time I tell you what happened"

"It's just that it doesn't make any sense!" Cami stated

"Well, his loss anyways" Lili said and everyone agreed

"So when does Tom arrives?" Cami asked

"Why you interested?" KJ asked and Bea, Lili and Cole stared at each other holding back their laughs

"Just asking"

"Saturday, babe" Bea answered her friend


"But didn't she said on twitter that they were only friends?" Dani asked

"Don't everyone tho?" Grant answered

"You have a point but I don't think so, I think they're only friends and you misunderstood something" Tom said

"Dude! She said that they have a long relationship and his family felt like her own and his mom was sending her a cake she loved and that they can't stay away from each other and that she always had a soft spot for brits and that she would kiss him if he was there... I'm positive they're a couple"

"Well, on her defence isn't 'I could kiss you right now' a common statement like when someone do something for you?!" Carlos said

"He is right, and relationship doesn't necessarily mean a romantic one, does it?!" Dani carried on

"Soft spot for brits, doesn't everyone has it?" Tom said flaunting himself

"Shut up Felton!" Candice said

Bea's POV

It's been a week. Tom arrived yesterday and I'm not half as happy as I could be because of Grant. Why? I mean, everything was great and now... a week we haven't spoken. To be fair I texted him once, we talked for a bit and that was it. We saw each other on the studios the other day but he was in a hurry, or so he said, and went to his set as I went to the Riverdale one to meet my friends for lunch.

Now I'm here, watching some Quantico. I don't even know if I should watch another network's show but I couldn't care less. I'm eating all the chocolate Tom brought non-stop as I dream of being as badass as Priyanka some day and cuddle with Theo, the other puppies cuddling with Tom on the other end of the sofa.

"I can't stand this!" Tom says

"I know! It seems like they're not even trained! Like, two FBI and a CIA agent decide to discuss the case on a bar table, by the way, the only bar in the series, literally everyone goes there!"

"Well, that too but I meant you! I mean, technically I mean Grant. What the fuck is wrong with him?! I'm paying him a visit! He can't just lead you on like that and then vanish. Cunt!"

"Chill Tom. And he can do whatever he wants actually, he has the right of changing his mind doesn't he?! Plus, maybe he never really like me and I just misread the signs. Whatever, I'm over it!"

"Hell you are! You're like crap! You don't even like chocolate that much and you're devouring it"

"These are my favourites tho"

"If you're not opening up to me I'm calling you girl pals, but you need to open up! Come on, get me Sabrina's phone, or Sophia, anyone!"

"We're in Vancouver!"


"Sabrina lives in LA you dummie!"




"Sophia too. Tho she is in Paris right now"

"The blonde and the brunette one then. I mean, the other blonde and the other brunette..."

"Cami and Lils?"

"Yeah, that's it"

"They were supposed to come today but I said I just wasn't feeling brunch..."

"Get your ass up. We're having brunch!" And these were his final words on the matter.

I just did as he told me and went to my closet to get ready.

"Ha! Funny, I love that!" Tom said when he saw my shirt option

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"Ha! Funny, I love that!" Tom said when he saw my shirt option

"Thank you!"

"I'm taking a picture" and so he did with the caption 'wiser words have never been said, or written on a t-shirt anyways' and he tagged me.

We then took a selfie on both of our insta stories. Mine said 'fave weirdo ❤' and his said 'brunch with this lovely lady 😍'. And off we went.

Grant's POV

"Grant, you are overreacting. I'm sure!" Candice said as we hanged out on my living room. All the cast mates came over for a fun Sunday or whatever.

"I don't think I am. I mean, I don't wanna get hurt and I'm pretty sure she doesn't have feelings for me. Also, if you ask me she has feelings for another superhero"

Everyone was taking turns on a game I called 'how to call Grant an idiot without actually saying it with those words' or at least that's what they seem to have been doing. I took my phone so I could ignore them and went on social media. As I entered on instagram I saw a post from Tom. He was with her. I checked his stories.

"Do you guys believe me now? I'm getting some water, excuse me" I said as I handed my phone to Dani and left the room.

Why was I so hurt tho? We never actually had anything, was I actually liking her, you know, maybe a bit too much?

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