Off to Italy

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Morning LDN. Sad to say my time here is over for now! Can't wait to come back to this place again, it feels more like home than home does ❤


Off to Italy now!! So exited

@itsmebea in reply to @camilamendes
Oh are you?! I couldn't tell... 😉

@grantgust in reply to @camilamendes
I wonder why 😏

@itsmebea and @grantgust please, do shut up!

Why you even awake rn?! Everything ok?

@grantgustin in reply to @itsmebea
Check your WhatsApp. I wanted to wish you a safe trip ❤
@itsmebea in reply to @grantgust
You're the best!

I can't believe I'm off to the airport to get @itsmebea and @camilamendes. Haven't seen my sis since her birthday!

Ha ha ha @lipecavendish so cute how you're pretending you're excited to see ME. Some of us know better...

Can't believe my bae and my new bae are leaving already!! @itsmebea @camilamendes

@itsmebea in reply to @perrieedwards
Missing you already babe!

@camilamendes in reply to @perrieedwards
Thanks for having me and making me feel at home! Now I know why @itsmebea loves you so much! #madeanewfriend

Lovely meeting @camilamendes yesterday! Come back anytime love. Seeing @itsmebea was alright too I guess...

@camilamendes in reply to @louist91
Lovely meeting you Louis! Such a fun lad! Or something else you brits say...

@itsmebea in reply to @louist91
Shut up punk, you love me!!

@lottietommo in reply to @itsmebea
Even more than his own REAL sisters... it's fine tho because we also love you more than we love him ❤ sad I couldn't make it...

@itsmebea in reply to @lottietomlinson
You were missed! Come visit me in Canada!!!!!!

Bea's POV

"Can you believe Grant just asked me if I rather be living in London?"

"Do you?" Cami asked me

"No mimi. I mean, it feels more like home than home that's for sure... New York only brings me bad memories anyways... but still Vancouver is ok but I'm leaving my dream there, I have my best friends with me and I have Grant. Right now there is home!"

"That's cute. Tell him that!"

"I did. It's ok, I feel like I commented how London felt like home and he just got a bit insecure, I'm like that too right now, I mean, we literally just started dating and we're spending a long time apart..."

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