"You don't know everything. You didn't know about Mei." I say triumphantly

He takes out his phone; scrolls threw and shows me a picture. Shit. I take it and look threw them, he has pictures of me every time I was dressed as a girl and who I was with. Including the one he took. Even when P'Pha carried me....

"Your spying on me?"

"Of course."

"Be a little repentant!"


I took his drink and downed it in one go. And I may have forwarded the one where P'Pha carried me to myself before handing his phone back.

"So you know about stuff."

"I'm your father Wayo, I let you do what makes you happy, but I will always keep an eye on you."

I should be mad but strangely it's kind of comforting. I know it's not easy for him to send me away but he did it because I wanted it.

"Thanks dad."

"I like your friends, you should treat them more often."

"Do you know how much they eat?"

"Ming's also making interesting friends." Oh shit.

"Well you see..."

"His mother and I have interesting conversations. We need regular meetings to keep up with you both."

"You what?"

"To bad you didn't get to use Nami, but your auntie always liked Mei."


"It was nice seeing you as Mei, the pictures don't do you justice. Ming does get you into intresting things." Damn.

"Dad he doesn't mean it, well stuff just happens, it's not Ming's fault. Sort of. Don't be mad at him. Please."

I don't want my father to think bad of the idiot. My dad comes over and ruffles my hair smiling. He's quite for a while, like he's remembering something before he speaks.

"When you were little all you did was read, you hardly talked, mostly happy alone, until you met Ming. You came home with cut knees, dirty clothes and stories to tell me of your adventures. I'm fond of the boy."

Oh, well that's good. And 96% of all the trouble in my life so far is Ming's fault! But I would follow the idiot off a cliff.

"Dad since you want me to be happy, can I....."


"You don't know what I was going to say!"

"You want a pirate ship whit a crew. I know what manga you read."

"Ok you know, so can.."


"Father do you really want me to be happy?" I sigh.

"I'll let you date Phana, take it or leave it."

"I'll take it!"

"I never thought I would one day be giving you away in a dress." He says walking back inside.

"Father!" I shout as I follow him back inside.

Its late afternoon, I'm standing in the doorway as a guard, glaring at P'Sing who's getting ready to leave.

"What the hell is all this p? You're not going, you just got back." I'm really loud I know but I'm pissed.

"Yo calm down."


"I have some business, I'll see you soon."

"You said that last time and it was years."

"Just a few days Yo."

"Were leaving tomorrow afternoon, why do you have to go now?" I continue.

"I have a meeting first thing in the morning."

"No. I mean it, don't give me that look or pat my head p, i'll bite you."

P'New chokes on his drink. "New you ok?" P'Sing's checking on him as he moves his bags nearer the driver that's just come on.

"Don't you dare touch those bags." The poor driver backs away.


"I'm putting my foot down p." I actually stomp it for effect. "I'm serious."

P'Sing's looking at me, adoringly. Like you do with the little puppy that won't let you go to work. Dam it.

"I promise I'll see you in a few days Yo."

Time to be ruthless! This was coming, he asked for it.

"I'm calling Ming!" Hah take that.

"Oh common Yo, he's going to cry then I can't go but it's important."

P'Sing shares a look with P'New, wait are they giving each other signals?

"Are you to collaborating against me?"

"Now." P'Sing shouts.

P'New comes and grabs me around the waist from behind so I can't use my phone. Omg there double teaming me??

"P'New, you traitor!" I yell

P'Sing's got the driver taking his things and getting ready to run for it, while I struggle away.

"Father help me!" I shout as my dad comes down the stairs.

He looks around, and then calmly asks for tea from the maid watching the show. She runs off still giggling....

"Father!!" I yell

"He has work to do." He says calmly

"Dad he's going to go again. It's like last time he'll go to Paris and won't come back for years." I really missed my cousin I don't want him to go.

I look up as my father ruffles my hair, "He works for me now Wayo, he's staying."

"Really?" I ask my dad, he nods.

P'New lets me go. I kick his leg; he sits down chuckling and rubbing it.

"I'm gonna tell Ming, he will call you, you will be sorry if you leave us. I have a gang now." My final threat!

P'Sing 's laughing, patting my head, telling me I'll see him soon and he would love to meet my gang.

We turn when someone comes in in, it's Ming. His head is bleeding, his lips busted and he has a bruise on his other cheek.

"Shit. What the hell happened to you?" I yell

He just walks over and hugs me. His heads on my shoulder he's crying? Oh shit, this is bad.

"Did you get in a fight?" I ask

He's holding the sides of my shirt, his hands are shaking. My father and both the p's are looking worried as well.


"P'Win hit me." Its barely a whisper.

His oldest brother hit him? What the hell happened?

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