"God that would be embarrassing!"

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As requested I’m starting this chappie with Louis’ POV. I’m sorry, it’s going to be short, so don’t be mad, but I had to write it that way. Anyways this chappie is dedicated to @PeopleCallMeEmy. Thank you for commenting, it does mean a lot.

 So without delay here is chapter 6. Enjoy!

<3 Chrissy.


~Louis’ POV~

“Harry, what the f*ck did you do?!” myself, Liam, Niall, Nic and Lexi demanded when he got back a little while later.

By the look in his eyes he knew he was in trouble and boy was he right.

Yes Alisa is a ‘big’ girl and can take care of herself and make her own choices, but we have no clue who the hell this Daniel guy is, that she left with. We haven’t even met him properly, I mean for all we know he could be a psycho!

Okay Louis, calm down, deep breaths, no jumping to conclusions.

 We don’t have much to go on except for Lexi’s vague idea of who he is from seeing him around Uni, but from what she’s said he does actually sound like a decent guy… I hope she’s right because Alisa is like a little sister to me and if anything ever had to happen to her…God I don’t even want to think about that.

Deep breaths, in and out, stay calm and let Harry explain.

~Harry’s POV~

“Harry, what the f*ck did you do?!” All the boys and Lexi demanded when I got back 10 minutes later.

Oh f*ck, I’m in trouble.

“Harry, what happened?” Liam, Louis and Niall said in unison… Wow creepy much?

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair, annoyed.

“Nothing, I just got frustrated and I might have taken it out on Alisa. Look, where is she so I can go say sorry?” I looked around the club but I couldn’t see her or the douche, Daniel, who she was with either. I turned back and looked at everyone’s faces, noticing Zayn was missing too, and I raised my eyebrow. “Where is Alisa?” I asked again.

“Liam, I just looked outside and asked the doorman. She left, she really isn’t here.” Zayn said upset as he came rushing up to us.

“You mean she left, with him?” I sputtered in disbelief and Zayn just nodded solemnly.

“She said she wanted to go home and that Lexi had keys to get in. Then she left and she was bloody upset too.” Niall stated, staring at me “What happened Harry?”

I was about to explain when Lexi piped up, “I don’t have ke-. Wait, these are her keys. If I have them, then how is she going to get in?” Lexi looked confused but I already knew the answer…

She wasn’t coming home.

We all stayed over at Lexi and Ali’s place that night, waiting for her to come home, but she didn’t. She didn’t come home, she didn’t call or text. Nothing.

At about 8 o’clock the next morning I heard something by the window. I was sleeping on the floor in Ali’s room, while Liam and Louis slept in her bed.

I just started going back to sleep when, there it was again. A rattling sound.

I rubbed my eyes, still groggy from sleep and sat up just as Ali climbed through the window. What the?! I jumped up and ran over to her, enveloping her in a tight hug. “Where the hell did you go? We were all worried about you, please don’t ever do the again.” I squeezed her and was delighted when she just laughed and hugged me back. So I was forgiven?

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