The beauty of ignorance

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Choo choo the angst train is here choo choooooooooo

The next week of school hurt more than the rest. I didn't want everyone to know. I didn't want people to take Johns death and try to make something good for themselves out of it. I didn't want someone trying to take his place. I didn't want victims to be celebrating. I just wanted it to be quiet, and it was. But the quiet in the eye of the hurricane only lasts for so long before the hurricane hits again.

Teachers were ignorant. Students were ignorant. Everyone was ignorant. People began to find out, when they did, I was the first person that came to people's mind. As I walked the hallways, I would hear apologies and voices of pity. Some people were obviously just trying to fake it. Everyone else is apologizing to me, so why don't you do it and maybe people will think your nice, then they can just go and replace what they've lost. If you don't mean an apology, then don't say it. It was just that simple.

People started showing up to school in black. The girls would wear black skirts, pants, and even dresses. The guys would just wear plain black shirts and pants. People would gather around Johns locker every morning. They stuck things onto his locker. They taped on letters and posters, gave the locker flowers, and would just silently stare at it. Even when walking down the hallway, people would reach their hand out just to touch it. None of these people were close to John, most of them probably hate him, and were happy that he was finally out of their lives. They were faking all of it. They were just  stupid.

Eliza - A-Alexander! There you are!
Alex - What do you mean? Why would YOU care where I am?!
Angelica - W-we just-
Alex - Listen you two, I've sneaked glances at you from time to time. I can see that you're trying to ignore me and you're giving me those dirty glances of yours! You think you can just come crawling back to me, just because John died? We may not have been boyfriends, but we were best friends!
Angelica - T-that's-
Alex - Just go away.

They replaced John in the school play. Some tall ass named Jake Dillinger. He didn't deserve Johns part. He belonged in the gym, not the theater. But some how, people went through with it. No one gave any second thoughts. Now, not only was I failing assignments. My grade was just going down and down, till it seemed like it couldn't even go down any further.


Aaron - Alexander, you're acting like you're fucking depressed!
Alex - Maybe because I just lost my best friend!
Hercules - WELL SO DID WE!!!

The entire lunch room went silent.

Lafayette - We know you and John were close, but you can't even imagine how we feel! Other people are hurting here Alexander! It's not just you!


Aaron - Look who's at a loss of words. Cmon guys, we'll see Alexander later when maybe he can think of an apology.

What the quiznak did I just do?!

Well, I know what I did. I totally forgot Lafayette, Hercules, and Aaron were living human beings who cared a lot for John and were there for him a long time before me and I probably wouldn't have even given him a chance if it weren't for them. Damnit, well I guess I'll have to reset my timer to 0 days without a fuck up. Then again, I've never gone one day without fucking up.

There's only one person who I have left.


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