The beauty of sorrow

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Hey mom,

It's me John.

Hopefully this letter has good grammar, I wouldn't want to stay a D student in Enlish right before I die. Atleast give me a C, ya know. So I'm just gonna make this short and sweet. Everything a suicide note needs right?

Hopefully by the time you read this, I'm with my brother and the angels by now. Or I'm burning in hell over all the shit I did in my life. I want you to have my stuffed dog, maybe he'll help you fight off the monsters better than he helped me. I love you to heaven and back mama.

Alexander, I know you're gonna be reading this. So I'm sorry. I'm sorry I didn't tell you about how I found my soulmate. But I swear it was for a good reason. And that's because my soulmate was you. I've looked you in the eyes before, I don't know how this time was different, but it was. I hope you can forgive me, because that's the greatest gift I could ever ask for <3

Please tell Hercules, Lafayette, and Aaron how much they meant to me. I loved them three with all of my heart and I definitely would've done this sooner if it wasn't for their friendship. Thanks for making my short life a good life.

And Alexander,


I am damaged, far to damaged. But you're not beyond repair.

Stick around here

Make things better

Cause you beat me fair and square

~John Laurens

The Beauty Of You // Lams Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now