He Decided to Help

Start from the beginning

You reluctantly grabbed the spoon and dipped it into the liquid. It looked normal. You raised the spoon to your mouth, being careful not to spill the soup and drank the spoonful despite your thoughts about Flowey trying to poison you. It tasted normal. It actually tasted good. You took another sip of it, feeling your insides warm up a little. The flower can cook. Impressive. You thought to yourself as you kept eating it. It really was an okay taste and it stopped your hunger. It also warmed you up a bit.

You weren't really paying attention and you were surprised when you drank the whole bowl, and almost a little unhappy. You were still hungry, and the soup was good. Not really good, but it was decent and it reminded you of home. You pushed down the thoughts of getting out of the Underground as they surfaced your mind. Thinking about home wouldn't get you there.

You decided to go find Flowey, even though he had just visited ten minutes ago. You were feeling lonely and wanted some company, even though the only company available was a talking flower. You walked towards the door and opened it slowly. You were about to go out into the hall before you spotted the empty soup bowl out of the corner of your eye. You grabbed it and walked down the hall.

You found him in the kitchen, leaning over a fat cookbook with lots of pages. He turned a page with a vine that extended out from the ground, muttering something to himself.

"Hi, Flowey." You said, and Flowey stiffened, jumping a little.

"(Y/N)!" He whipped around, almost shaking a little. "You scared me!" He glared at you, but his eyes didn't look that angry. He blinked up at you.

"Sorry...." You murmured. His gaze seemed to soften. The oven made a beeping noise and Flowey tore his gaze away and unfurled a vine to open it up. He wrapped the vine around a tray and pulled it out, blushing slightly.

He put the tray on the counter and you saw what was on it. "I... I made some cookies...." He smiled sheepishly. "They're... they're for you...." The anthropomorphized flower shifted almost uncomfortably.

You didn't really know what to say. Why was he being so nice now? "Thanks, Flowey!" You smiled back, giving him a gentle hug. He gasped at your sudden action but didn't pull back. You unwrapped your arms from him and he looked up at you with a confused expression on his face.

"Why did you do that?" He asked, staring down at his leaves and unfurling them and curling them lightly.

"It was a hug, doofus." You replied, smiling. He smiled back at you shyly. You broke the brief silence. "Why are you helping me anyways?"

Flowey sighed, his smile disappearing. "I don't want the death of another human on my conscience." He answered simply. His expression was unreadable. He met your gaze. "And I don't want someone else down here disturbing me. And... and...." He hesitated. "You know I can't be trusted. I'll loose my temper and end up hurting you. It's... it's... you know! It's not safe for you to be here!" He raised his voice and you took a step back, putting your arms up almost defensively.

Flowey calmed down in a couple seconds. "I'm sorry...." He muttered, gazing at the floor. You remained silent. When Flowey didn't say anything else you held up the bowl a little.

"Here's the bowl." You said unemotionally. Flowey reached a vine over and took it out of your hands, grabbed a sponge, turned his back to you and started scrubbing the dish in the sink.

You felt almost as if he were trying to ignore you.

"Also... um, Flowey...?" You asked cautiously.

He didn't turn around. "What?"

"I was... um, kind of cold... I was wondering if you could make some more soup...?" You were almost embarrassed.

"What, did you like it?" Flowey turned around to face you this time, giving you a teasing smile.

You stiffened. "I--no. I just... I'm just cold." You huffed. "Fine, it was okay." You blushed a little, and Flowey flicked your cheek gently with a vine. "H-hey!" You exclaimed, pulling back.

"What?" Flowey asked, shrugging.

You sighed heavily. "Nothing." You murmured, watching as Flowey finished up cleaning the bowl. You didn't have anything else to say so you just trudged back to your room and waited for him to make the soup.

I'm being cared for by a flower. You snorted at the thought, closing the door behind you as you entered the little room and flopped onto the bed.

You thought back to everything that had happened since you fell down here. You had woken up, a flower had tried to kill you, a weird goat named Toriel saved you and pretty much adopted you, Flowey apparently turned into someone named Asriel and broke a barrier that kept all the monsters from exiting the Underground, you tried to find civilization, you were stupid enough to fall down here again, and Flowey saved you. You snorted.

Flowey saved you. You still couldn't get over that fact.

You shifted on the mattress, trying to get comfortable. You sighed again. You were just so done with this place. Well yeah, Flowey was trying to be nice to you, he even made you cookies, but you missed the open sky. You felt so closed in here. You felt so homesick.

You just sat there in bed for ten minutes, thinking everything over. You wondered if this was all just a dream.

Exhaustion suddenly washed over your body like a wave.

"Tch. Why am I so tired all the time down here?" You asked yourself out loud.

"There's no sun down here. Sunlight gives you energy." Flowey's voice answered, and you looked up to see him in the doorway, carrying a bowl of what you hoped was soup. He also had a small cookie carefully wrapped up in one of his fuzzy little vines.

You nodded slightly. "I guess." You murmured. Flowey came over to you to give you the bowl of soup and the cookie. That was when you noticed that he was uprooted from the ground, and he waddled around on his roots to get to you. You held back a giggle as you took in how funny he looked when he walked. You couldn't help yourself from smiling though.

"Why are you smiling like that?" Flowey asked, tilting his head slightly in confusion.

You shook your head. "Oh, nothing important. I just noticed that you were walking around on your roots. It looks kind of funny." You said. And adorable, you added in your mind.

Flowey blushed a little bit and looked away. "Anyways, here's your soup. And a cookie." He murmured, giving you the soup and the cookie. You took a bite out of the cookie first. It was good. It wasn't outstanding, it was just your average homemade cookie. But it was good.

"Thanks Flowey." You said through a mouthful of the cookie. "These are good!"

Flowey nodded, and turned to leave. He paused at the door. "By the way..." He murmured, "Thanks for being so nice to me." He said quietly. Then he shuffled out of the room and shuttle door behind him.

What did he mean by that? You were acting like you would to anyone if they were taking care of you. Maybe he didn't have any friends. You thought. Or maybe he was lonely down here. You didn't quite know. You finished the rest of the cookie and drank the bowl of soup. It helped warm you up a little and you felt more comfortable than you did before.

Can you guess what you did after that?

You went to sleep.

Flowey x Reader: Teach Me how to FeelWhere stories live. Discover now