A Moutains Edge

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I am 34 now. Milo and I have been traveling helping keep peace between nations. I haven't seen the Pevensie's in maybe ten years we write as much as we can but constantly traveling doesn't give us much time to visit.

Milo and I ran across a mountains edge a raging river below it. I jumped from rock to rock in my full grown wolf form and Milo in his lion. "Hurry up Milo we need to get to Archyland!" I hollered at him but my foot slipped.

I changed back to human and lost my balance.


I fell off the side of the mountain free falling in the air. The weight of the water hit me like bricks I desperately gasped for air but a strange feeling took over me and I went rolling onto something.


I opened my eyes again. I am at Kirkle's house. "Marigold!?"
I looked down the thing who broke my fall was Peter.
"Peter you're fourteen again!"
"You're fourteen again!" I rolled off him but I heard a scream and Milo came tumbling out of the wardrobe.

"You idiot!" I tackled him, "I fell of a cliff you shouldn't have came after me!" I tackled him in a hug.

"You fell off a cliff" The Pevensie's gasped.

"Yeah and this idiot followed me"

The door suddenly opened and Professor Kirkle stood there.

"What were you all doing in the wardrobe?"

"You wouldn't believe us if we told you" Peter responded. Kirkle threw our ball at him and Peter caught it.

"Try me"

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