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I changed into some armor and hit the training fields. I wanted to brush up my skills before I helped train everyone.

First I went to the wrestling field. I stretched again before hopping the fence and started to head to an opponent.

I joined a match with a sytr. We circled each other and I let him make the first move. I easily dodged a fist and swung out my legs taking out his.

"Remember when I said Mar was a flower," I heard Milo say.

"You said she was a lethal flower." Peter responded.

I took a glance at the voices, Peter, Milo, Edmund, Susan, and Lucy stood a small distance away.

I caught a fist inches away from my face. I slowly turned to the sytr with a raised eyebrows a small smirk tugged at my lips as I pushed his fist away I dodged another and slid under his legs and pulled him over me. I cringed hearing the thud of his body hit the ground. "Sorry" I helped him back up. My eyes shifted back to them mouths hanging open except Milo who was shaking his head.

"Show off!" He shouted at me.

"I am not!" I chuckled hopping the fence and made my way over to them.

"That was amazing Mar could you teach me how to do that?" Lucy asked smiling.

"I would love too" I smiled, "A later time" I bent down to whisper in her ear, "I have to help kick your brother's butts" She laughed making everyone look at us. 

"One day you all will fight for your life. Unfortunately for you, that day is close, so three key things to remember. Fight with your head. Trust yourself and most the most important thing to remember is...have fun! I am heading to the archery field, Susan and Lucy you can come" Milo said leaving with them.

After getting Edmund a sword we stood in an open field of grass. 

"Ok" I smiled, "A couple rules of thumb, never underestimate your appointment, relax and be 'springy' on the balls of your feet and you want a low center of gravity" I bent my knees showing what I meant, "Relax your hand on the holding a baby bird you don't want it to fly away but you don't want to hurt it." I smiled leaning on the blade in front of me, "Let's start" I smirked.

I watched the brothers fight. I circled them as they circled each other, Edmund was a natural, Peter was very good but his movements could get sloppy.

"Both of you take battle stances but don't fight."

They did and my eyes grazed over them, I went over to Edmund raising his sword then hit his elbow with my own making him relax it then went over to Peter. I walked around him lowering his sword and adjusted his grip.

"Ok let's try some techniques" I smirked.

I showed them a couple of moved parrying, dodges and footwork.

"Alright, Ed let's start with you" I pointed to him with closed my fan.


"Lets fight"

"You don't have a sword"

"Come on I promise you won't hurt me" I smiled and he smiled back.

Taking a defensive stance I lined my body to the side, Edmund charged and I opened my fan making it bounce off and a satisfying clashing hit the air. He swung right and I closed the fan stopping the sword we repeated this action a couple times and I decided to attack. "Ready Ed?" He widened his stance nodding. I moved my arms in a circular line motion attacking fast clanging filled the air as Edmund parried. "What is this I heard about you being a lethal flower?" He smirked and I smirked back swinging my legs taking out his and he fell back.
" ....sorry" I did between laughs, "You were asking for it. You need to work on your footwork" I smiled helping him back up.

"You will get her next time Ed!" We looked up and on the cliffs edge Susan, Lucy, and Milo sat watching us.

"Ok your turn" I pointed to Peter with my fan. 

"Whoooo! Go, Peter!" They shouted. 

"Go easy on them Mar!" Milo shouted.

"I am going easy." I shouted back.


Peter and I circled each other. I took a step closer to him and he raised his sword to my throat. I quickly pushed it to the side with my fan, "Legs Peter!" He lowered his stance swinging I moved to the side not using the fan. "Higher!" He swung hair and I ducked catching the blade between my fan notches. I smirked at his concerned face and twisted my wrist making the blade fall out of his hands. I kicked it back to him using the top of my foot. This time I charged making him take a defensive stance. I swung above his head and ducked I hooked my leg with his knee making him fall down.

"Watch your legs" I smiled putting the fan away and helped him up.


After that, we got the horses and they started fighting on horseback. Milo took the girls to the archery field and I followed the boys around on Alpha. I watched Susan and Lucy shoot at target practices, but my smile was short-lived Beaver came running up to us.

"She's here! The White Witch is here!"

Heart of Gold |Peter Pevensie| Where stories live. Discover now