"Listen to your instincts"

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We started heading to the river moving at a faster pace and when we got there the river was broken in half on barely frozen and the other rushing water. I swallowed hard as Peter took a step and the ice cracked I quickly pulled him back.

"Maybe I should go first" Mr. Beaver volunteered.

"Wait, I will go."


"Milo, Peter if I go first I might be able to hold the ice"

I looked between them before stepping onto the ice. It cracked beneath my weight but I waved my hand over it and repeated the motion until I was in the center.

"Come on" I urged gently waving them over. 

Peter and Milo helped Lucy and Susan across and the Beavers were ahead of them.

They started crossing.

"Oh no!" Lucy yelled looking up.

I followed her stare, wolves were just above us.

"Run!" Peter yelled.

But it was too late they were at the end of the river barking and growling a few feet away from us.

"Turn into a lion and a wolf!" Susan yelled.

"Are you nuts we will break the ice!" Milo shouted back.

Mr. Beaver hissed and snarled but a wolf tackled him.

"No!" Mrs. Beaver and I exclaimed


Peter drew his sword and Milo and I followed his action.

"Put that down boy someone could get hurt" Maurgrim snarled.

"Don't worry about me run him thru!" Mr. Beaver yelled.

"Ah, Princess Marigold" 

I narrowed my eyes at Maurgrim, "Stay back Maurgrim unless you want round two" I snarled.

"I knew the wolf was familiar" He chuckled.

"You children," He said motioning towards the Pevensies "Can go and your brother will leave with you"

"Stop Peter! Maybe we should listen to him!" Susan exclaimed.

"Don't listen to her kill him kill him now!" Mr. Beaver shouted.

"Oh come on this isn't your war. All my queen wants is you to hand over the princess and go." 

I saw Peter and Milo move in front of me.

"Look just because some man in a red coat hands you a sword that doesn't make you a hero!"

"Susan shut up!" I snapped and silence followed it, "Peter listen to your instincts, not the evil puppies, not anyone else opinion or input. Listen to what your heart says."

"She's right Narnia needs you, Peter!" Mr. Beaver shouted, "Gut him while you still have the chance!"

"So what's it going to be boy? I won't wait forever and neither will the river"

Just as those words left Maurgrim's mouth the frozen waterfall started creaking.

"Peter!" Lucy yelled.

"Hold on to me!" Peter shouted before plunging his sword into the ice.

We desperately clung to Peter's coat.

"I can't swim!" Milo yelled.

"Then hold on!" I shouted back bringing him closer.

The waterfall came crashing down on and pushed us underwater.

I clamped my eyes shut when I felt the water touch my skin.

But when air filled my lungs I opened them again. My heart pounded louder than a drum.
Lucy let out a squeal and I saw her fall in.
Making a quick decision I let go of Peter's coat.

The water hit me like a ton of bricks. The water current was fast and I shifted into a wolf and started searching for Lucy. I let pure instinct take over when I saw her struggling to release her foot that was stuck in rocks. I swam over to her moving the rocks with my snout and grabbed the collar of her shirt pulling her to shore.

I sucked in a deep breath taking in the air my lungs so desperately craved. I flipped on my backside changing human. I closed my eyes letting myself calm down, trying to get my breathing back to normal.

"Lucy! Marigold!" The others shouted desperately.

I opened my eyes again and pat Lucy on the back when she was spitting up water.
I helped her up and we started walking to the shouts.

"Lucy! Marigold!"

"Has anyone seen my coat?" Lucy shouted back shivering when they were in sight. Immediately everyone's heads snapped in our direction and smiles were sent.

I yelped as Lucy and I were tackled in a hug.

 "Marigold I thought you died!" Milo shouted at me before he tightly hugged me. 

"It's going to take more than a raging river to kill me" I smirked.

"I don't think you will be needing that coat," Mr. Beaver said and I watched the ice melt away on a couple of flowers revealing a rose pink blossoming flowers.

Heart of Gold |Peter Pevensie| Where stories live. Discover now