"You didn't tell them!?"

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We walked till sunset and by then we were all tired and yawning. 

"Blimey! Looks like she's got a kettle on. I nice cup of Rosely" Mr. Beaver smiled.
We saw a beaver dam up ahead a small dam perfect for two beavers.

"It's lovely," Lucy smiled.

"No, it's not quite done yet. Still lots of work,"
We walked down the hill to the cozy wooden home.

"Beaver is that you!? If I find out that we were wit Badger again!" Mrs. Beaver shouted.
But when we came into view she gasped, "Those aren't Badgers! I never thought I would live to see the day!"

Milo and I pushed passed the Pevensies.

"Milo! Marigold!" We smiled bending down to hug her.

 "It's so good to see you again Mrs. Beaver." I smiled.

"Look at you two you've grown up." She smiled.

We went into the house and Milo ran to the fire and I kept a cautious step away from it.

"Is there anything we can do to help Mr. Tumnus?" Peter asked as we sat around the table.

"They took him to the witches house you know what they say there are few that go through the gates and come out again" Mr. Beaver explained.

Milo about slammed his fist on the table but I caught it just before it hit the wood. I could feel we caught some attention, "Calm down Milo," I whispered and he nodded thanking me.

"Don't worry Lu there's hope." I smiled.

Mr. Beaver spat out his water, "There's a lot more than hope! Aslan's on the move"

I smiled looking at Milo. I can't wait to see-

"Who's Aslan?" Edmund spoke up.

Mr. Beaver only laughed "Who's Aslan" he continued laughing. "Cheeky little biter" But the expressions on there faces said it all. Mr. Beaver suddenly stopped laughing and turned to Milo and I.

"You didn't tell them?!"

"We didn't exactly get a chance," Milo exclaimed and I nodded. 

Mr. Beaver nodded but didn't full understand our situation.

"Aslan is the king of the wood. The top geezer. The real king of Narnia" Mr. Beaver exclaimed.

 "He's been away for a long while," Mrs. Beaver said, "But he just got back! And he's waiting for you at the stone table!" 

"Beaver!" Milo and I exclaimed, he just ignored us. 

"He's waiting for us?" Lucy said bewildered. 

"They don't even know about the prophecy!" Mr. Beaver said turning to Milo and I.

"When Adams flesh and bone sit on camp Pairavel thrown.
Evil time will be over and done" 

Milo and I recited looking down at the table guiltily.

"That's doesn't exactly rhyme," Susan noted.

"There's another prophecy," Mr. Beaver ignored her.

"What!?" Milo and I exclaimed.

"When fire and ice unite
Under Narnia, they will fight
A king shall be saved
And a life will be paid"

My mouth fell open. "When did you hear of this Beaver?" I asked.

"Rumors recent ones. The trees have been spreading your dad's news"

"Your dad is here!?" Lucy exclaimed.

"That's not all that important right now. Mr. Beaver how long do we have"

"Aslan has already started gathering their army," Mr. Beaver said pointing to us. Pevensie's included they are the leaders.

"Our army!?" They exclaimed.

"Mum sent us away so we wouldn't get caught up in a war," Susan hassled Peter.

"I think you've made a mistake. We're not heroes."

"We are from Finchley,"

"Thank you for your hospitality but we really have to go," Susan said standing up.

"You can't!" Milo stood up.

 "What Milo means is that you are the children of the prophecy Narnia needs you"

"I am sorry but it's time the six of us to be getting home." Peter looked at me with such emotion but I couldn't place it.

"Don't you get it we can't just leave our dad is here this is our home!" I protested.

Peter turned around to leave but stopped dead in his tracks.


Edmund wasn't here.

"Oh, I am going to kill him" Peter sighed angrily.

"You may not have to has Edmund ever been to Narnia before?" Mr. Beaver asked.

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