"Don't worry. I am sure it's just your imagination,"

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The next day the siblings played cricket in the yard. It was a beautiful day sun shining and the weather warm with a slight breeze. 

Milo and I were showing Lucy how to ride a horse. She rode Angel because Alpha rides without a saddle and she would do the splits trying to get on. 

"Ok, Lucy these are the Reins" Milo held the reins showing her. "Angel goes by word commands so don't pull on the reins just use them to help keep yourself on the horse" Milo explained, "Whoa is stop, hya run" He waved his hand.

"He winds up the pitch!" Peter shouted.

He threw the ball at Edmund hitting him in the leg. 

"Ow!" Edmund complained and I laughed.

"Oops. Wake up dolly daydream," Peter chuckled.

"Couldn't we play hide and seek?" Edmund asked and Lucy turned away.

"I thought you said it was a child's game?" I shouted back.

"Besides we could use the fresh air," Susan added.

"It's not like there's not air inside," Edmund retorted rudely.

"Are you ready?!" Peter shouted getting ready to throw the ball.

"Are you?" Edmund clicked the ground with the batt.

Peter threw the ball and Edmund hit it sending into flying. 

With an ear-shattering startling crash, the ball went through a window and a chorus of crashes followed it. 

My mouth hung open. We looked at each other in pure shock moment of stupidity and horror before Milo and I helped Lucy down and we ran into the house.

Everyone scrambled up the stairs and around corners till we found the room the ball went in. Peter opened the door and the window was smashed and a knights armor broken. "Edmund!" "You balled it!" Edmund sassed. Thundering footsteps echoed through the hall getting closer with every step.

"Mcready!" Susan shouted.


Peter pushed us back out and we ran through the halls but she was everywhere. We tried several doors and all we locked except one. Edmund was the first to run to the wardrobe. "Oh, you got to be kidding me" Susan scoffed. 

"Come on," Edmund insisted opening the door. The footsteps got louder. 

"Go!" Susan ran into the wardrobe followed by Milo and behind him Lucy, Peter helped me in and got in last leaving the door open a bit peering threw the crack.

"Move back" He whispered. 

I looked at Lucy and she looked back at me smiling. Lucy and I started pushing them back.

"Stop shoving!" "Ow, my foot!" "Ow!"

The wardrobe got longer and longer until Peter, Susan and Milo fell into the snow. They stared in shock and Lucy and I pushed passed them admiring there dumb stricken faces. 

"Impossible," Susan murmured getting up. Everyone followed her action standing up mouths open and eyes as wide as saucers.

"Don't worry. I am sure it's just your imagination," Lucy smiled hiding a snowball behind her back.

 I put my hand behind my back trying to form a snowball.

Peter looked between us guilt was written across this face. "I-I suppose sorry won't quite cover for it."

Lucy looked at me smiling, I felt my hand go cold. "Come on," I whispered barely moving my lips. "No," I smirked grasping the snowball in my hand.

Lucy smiled and we chucked the snowballs "But that might!" She laughed and a snowball fight broke out but Milo was barely able to hold the snow. I chucked a snowball at him and he laughed.

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