Why did I say that?

"He was? But why? What time?" He asked confused.

"Uhh, I dunno why, he just was. I mean, he was there when I came around and it was a-"

"Came around?! You passed out?!" He almost shrieked flying up from his seat.

"Billy, I'm fi-"

"Did you go to hospital?" He asked as he punched numbers into his phone with his finger.

"Um, well no. But-"

"Ring a doctor?" He asked interrupting me again as his pacing began.

"No, Bi-"

"So he did nothing?!"

"Oh for Christ sake William!" I snapped making him stop dead in his pacing. Billy's eyes narrowed as he scowled at me.

"Don't call me that."

"Well listen to me dammit. I'm trying to tell you something and you keep interrupting me. Listen, I bumped my head okay? Yes I should have rang you but Zak was here and no I don't know why, he just was. He patched my head up and I fell asleep. End of story."

He let out a harsh sigh "Well someone has some explaining to do. Starting with why he has a key? Why he was here? And how after a head injury, he let you go to sleep?"

I lifted my hands up "All I know is that I gave him a key, apparently. That he came over because I shouldn't have been alone the first night I came home and whilst he made food, I kinda went to sleep, my tablets make me a little drowsy sometimes."

After a scratch of his chin he picked up his coffee and drank it. He purposely took his time to stare at my forehead making me a little self conscious.

"Alright, stop staring." I muttered.

"When did you give him a key?" He asked after popping the straw from his mouth.

"Heck if I know, you know this amnesia shit is getting old, now I plan to get on the laptop and find out some information on this crash so I can piece something or someone together! I just don't get it, I'm a real careful driver Billy, real careful."

"I know, but it's one of those things... Have the Police been around yet?"

I shook my head "No, they came at the hospital, but said once I was home they would return, they are due anytime though."

"Yeah.." He agreed nodding his head.

"Bill, do you know anything? About the accident, I mean. Like was there any fatalities?"

I watched as all the emotion shut down behind his eyes and he tried to fiddle with the flowers Zak had bought.

"Real weird that he remembered your favourite type of flowers, no?" He asked changing the subject.

"Apparently not."

"He's a little odd, he remembers certain things about people, maybe it's cause his gran liked you." He shrugged.

I was fond of his gran, in fact when they spoke on the phone, whilst Zak was reviewing evidence with Billy, and I was hanging around Billy's house like a bad smell. She would always ask after me, mainly because one time I had burst into the room singing The Little Mermaid and Zak had been on the phone. But we would sometimes talk, and I had met her a few times too.

"I forgot she died." I admitted.

He nodded "Amnesia, it happens, it's not your fault."

"I felt so awful, he is still grieving, even after all this time. Isn't he?" I asked.

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