Chapter 6

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     My heart was racing as he held my phone in one hand, and gripped my shoulder with the other. I tried to keep the expression on my face from revealing how much I was freaking out from his touch, but the blush on my face gave me away. He simply smirked and started to pull me to the side. It was then that I remembered that I had the ability to speak.
    "Hey! Why are you pulling. I can walk on my own," I snap while breaking the hold he had on me. The loss of contact helped to clear my head further and I realized that I had been staring like a bumbling idoit.
    "When you bumped me yesterday, you dropped this and took off before I could give it back. I figured you'd go looking for it so I was waiting for you here. I'm Derek by the way." He offered the phone and I grabbed it before he thought to change his mind.
    "Thank you for keeping hold of it for me. I would have been grounded for good if I had lost it walking home yesterday." I gave a small smile and turned to walk a towards class when he asked
   "Whats your name?"
    "Julie," I answer before walking to class.


    "You're telling me that the hot new kid had your phone all night long?! And it has no password. Meaning he could have seen everything on it? Including the messages I sent last night about Cal?" Katie looked mortified as I nodded my answer in choir. I had told her everything when I got the chance and now she was freaking out more than I was about it. Well...maybe not..I was having a panic attack over the fact that Derek had had my phone and he could have easily seen everything on it. Including the pictures of my mom and all my texts.
    "And he also talked to me this morning after I ran into him. Again," I add. Its like he was a magnet that I could not stop slamming into. Katie, to her credit, didn't scream. Though you could tell it took a great effort not to. I turn back to the music as Mr. Corin turns once again to the soprano section to work on the next couple of verses.
    Katie nudges me in the ribs and whispers that she isn't done with the conversation quickly before we start to sing again.


Seventh hour, five minutes to the bell. I silently count down as I wait for the sweet freedom beyond the front doors of the school. Mrs. Davins, the librarian, pittles back and forth between the desk and shelves, quietly mumbling to herself her to- do list.
    Four minutes. God was purposly slowing down time I swear. After lunch, aka my interrogation, it was as if time had slowed infinately.
    I look up towards the door as I hear footsteps and silently regret doing so. Madison sauntered towards me in her designer outfit and heels. Her hair flowed down her shoulders as she smirked. I groan internally and glance at the clock. Three minutes.
    Madison stopped at the desk and did her best impression of an innocent look. Looked more like the cat who caught the canary if you asked me. In a shrill voice she stated,
    "Don't you have anything better to do with your life, or is this the best you can do?" I grimaced. Her voice was giving me headache. I hoped and prayed that the bell would ring. As I went to retort, my prayers were answered. A high pitched ring set off through the library and I bolted to the door.
    I was stopped by my name as I was about to walk out. Why, oh why, couldn't I just be left alone? Turning I sighed with resignation as I realized I would once again miss the bus.
    Derek was standing behind me, he looked me up and down, I hadn't a clue what he saw, wasn't like I was dressed up like Madison.
    "What can I do for you? I'm going to miss the bus if I don't leave now." I tried to bite back the venom in my tone but I was getting more annoyed by the second. Derek simply smiled.
    "Don't worry about the bus, I'll give you a ride home. I was wondering if you could help me find something, seeing as I helped you." I gawked at the offer. Sit in an enclosed space with him? Was he sure he wanted that reputation being new and all?
    "I-I mean, sure..what is it you're trying to find?" I stutter as I try to comprehend his offer still.
    I heard a giggle and looked up, I hadn't realized that Madison was still in the library. Derek turned and frowned slightly.  Quickly turning back he said
   "Nevermind, I'll find it, go before you miss the bus." I recoiled at the bite in his tone but walked away.
    What could he have possibly needed my help for. And why all of the sudden did he just change his mind?
    I pushed the door open. And sagged with resignation as the last bus pulled out of the parking lot. I had missed it again.
    Turning I went inside the school to see about having the office call back my bus when a flash of black caught my eye. Derek, still in the library, looking around one of the public computers. He turned to look behind him before quickly typing a few words into a search engine. I stepped closer to get a better look when I recognized the words he had typed. Not words, a name. Julie Shreeve. My name. He had typed my name. I turned silently and left before he caught me eavesdropping. How had he even found out my last name? My mind was churning with questions as I walked. The bus forgotten. I didn't get far from the school when a car pulled up beside me. In it sat none other than the guy who looked me up ten minutes ago. Derek.


Ahhh guys I wrote 1,020 words! Longest chapter I've ever written. It's probably really crappy and filled with errors but I'm still gonna post it. At some point I'll go back in and edit. Sorry that im a super suck author that never updated! Love you all anyway


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