Chapter 5

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I bolted awake, out of breath, covered in sweat as the dream slipped away from my mind. I was used to this, I wish I could say I wasn't. It had been happening for four years, and there was no sign of stopping. The dreams had started right after the funeral. They always start the same, my mom standing about fifty yards away, me always running towards her, but never getting close enough to touch her. I'd fall behind as she got farther and farther away.
    I had tried so hard to ignore them, but it was a losing battle, I had given up.
    I rolled over and looked at my Kindle screen, trying to clear the sleep from my eyes enough to check the time. Great, three a.m. just what I need to complete my already screwed up sleep schedule. I really need to stop reading so late.
    Snuggling deeper into my pillow, I tried to shut down the thoughts of my phone and Green Eyes. He had seemed genuinely worried when I had tripped into him. It had occurred to me when I was reading that he had said something to the guy who tripped me. I wondered what more than I should have.
    I had also wondered who he was. He must have been new. I'm usually one of the last to find out anything in the school, so it wouldn't surprise me if I hadn't heard of a new student.
    I'm doing such a great job not thinking about him. I rolled over again and tried to fall asleep.


    I groaned when Chris came in. It had taken an hour before I fell back asleep. But I got up. I always get up. I went through the motions. I grabbed a pair of jeans and my moms hoodie, and a pair of slip on shoes. It was going to be a long day, but I was excited to get my phone back. It was eating at me to think of some stranger with my phone.
    I rushed to the front door when I heard Chris yelling and boarded the the bus, saying hello to Carl and sitting down. I bounced slightly in my seat as I waited to get going, I needed my phone, the longer it was gone the more worried I got.


   The bus ride seemed to take as long as possible, but we finally made it to school. I practically sprinted to the doors, dodging kids as I hauled ass to the office in hopes that someone turned in my phone.
    I walked through the office door and up to Kelly's desk, "Hey Kelly, did anyone happen to turn in a Samsung phone with a pink case yesterday after school?" She shook her head and I turned,  crestfallen, the hope in my chest dying.
    I walked out of the office, head hanging, not paying attention to where I was heading. I stumbled over my own feet, falling into someone. I quietly apologized and tried to hurry away, but I was stopped with a hand on my shoulder. Turning I looked up in to those bright green eyes. I looked him over, and noticed something in his hand.
    I exhaled a deep breath, but not for long. I had found my phone.

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