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Okay, so this is my 2nd book ever on Wattpad. Meaning its going to be cliche as hell. First things first. I am completely okay with critisism, it means you actually read it, and have a thought. I however, am not okay with rudeness. There is no need for it. I write for myself, I write how and what I want. Second, if you see a grammatical, puntuational, factual, or spelling error, become a grammar Nazi I don't mind. Lord knows I am. Third, I don't sugarcoat stuff. There will be swearing, profanity, and the occasional God in there. Can't help it. It's just me...Fourth, I'm typing this on a phone. I will do my best to make long chapters, but don't expect like 4,000 words. It won't happen. Fifth and final, my mom died 5, almost 6, years ago. I'm not asking for sympathy, just know that when something emotional happens I wrote with a bleeding heart. Some things will be something I  experienced myself at some point in my life.
I hope you enjoy the book. Also, later I might get a regualar updating schedule, but I make no promises. I am in high school, which means homework. But I'll do my absolute best to have regular-ish updates.
-XOXO Cath

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